I there a cheaper way to upgrade the g27's springs?

  • Thread starter 300SRT8Fan
There is the old foam ball under the pedal trick but if you get the gteye spring it's progressive,deffinetly worth the money.
A piece of spear gun rubber, 1 inch long, inside the brake spring works a treat.
I replaced some time ago the original brake pedal spring with this one:


I used it for one year with very good results, I suppose you can find this spring in USA.

The feeling is a bit better than the foam I put there before the updated spring and it's close to the feeling of my CSR elite pedals (load cell brake).

I had to cut a bit the "cross" shape that is inside the G27 red container of the spring because the spring was a bit narrow, if you don't want to cut the plastic you can put there a coin over the cross shape as a base for your spring, I suppose too the spring will be stronger to press as it'll be a bit more compressed.