I will never get 100% in GT4 club

  • Thread starter Earth
Well I won't ever get 100% in GT4. The Nurburgring mission race is plain stupidily time consuming, and some of the rallying which I hate is hard because I can't wall surf.

GT5P is here, and soon GT5 will be here

So go ahead, join the club, just make sure you tell what percentage you've stopped at.


99.8% - bjb
99.8% - Petteram430
98.4% - VTiRoj
94.5% - Earth
87.9% - mc squeegy
86.9% - TheCracker
81.0% - Turbo Lag
75.3% - superturbo
73.3% - Blake
45.7% - gtfan007
40.0% - Parnelli Bone
38.0% - Ignignoc N Err
34.5% - =Drifting24/7=
14.7% - Rotary Junkie
I may have had a shot at completing GT4 until my data went dead.

My driving skills are indeed too poor to do all the DMs, and I'm running out of steam again at 14.7% complete.

Previously 51.9%.
I'm at roughly 38% for the second time (first playthrough, I wound up getting everything done, except Formula GT and a handful of DM's, for about 93%). Currently, though, I don't even care all that much about completion percentages, or even completing races in the game. Actually, I like to set up enduro's in the Arcade Mode (just set the lap number much higher) and run them with equivalent or lesser cars than the competition. Usually I prefer the 'Ring, though I also like running top-tier race machines around Sarthe.

Frankly, with my lack of free time, I don't see that percentage getting all that much higher in the near future...
I’ll be at 73.3% for the rest of time. I don’t have the patience to do manufacturer races and there are no cars I don’t have that I want to win. For the record I did all the important stuff like getting 80 golds…

Now I just sit in arcade mode doing quick races, time trials, and 2 player stuff.
can i join?? i'm still picking up my percentage, but for certain i will not be able to do those enduros, and never will. i'm at 34.5%..,
I wouldnt mind joining... Just did the F1GT races, now at 87.9%. Will stop very soon due to boring last manufacturer's races.
I'm joining this club!

It's not that I can't get 100%, it's mostly just that I'm going thru the game very slooowwly...driving car after car and getting to know all of them. I'm too obsessed with this game to just whiz thru it. :) Also, I like doing races in which there's a lot of drama between the Ai, and I'll sit there searching for that perfect grid of Ai. And I have multiple games going.....at best, I think one of my games is somewhere around 40% finished, but I'll have to get back to you on that.

But I eventually do wanna get 100%...it'll happen...probly by the time GT6 is on the shelves. :indiff:
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I seem to have the worst luck. I've been really close to 100%, like last time, but in my confidence, I usually press the restart button when it's saving.
I've been at 99.8 for a year now and I most likely will never get 100%. I still have the two 24 hour races at le mans to complete, I paid a friend to do the 24 hour at the ring.
I'm so joining this club :dopey: I'm stuck at 81.x% and I really can't be bothered going for 100, even if I tried I probably couldn't make it.
I've been at 99.8 for a year now and I most likely will never get 100%. I still have the two 24 hour races at le mans to complete, I paid a friend to do the 24 hour at the ring.

I accept cash.
98.4% here. I might hit 99% before GT5 arrives, but never 100%.

I have 2 FGT races to gold because B-spec is a twit, and a lot of 3 Lap Battle driving missions. So yeah, to hell with those. :lol:
I can't be botherd to do the Le Mans race where the B-spec driver keeps crashing. I like A-spec but 24 hours is a bit much I think.

So for now I'm stuck at 99.8%
11239 Aspec points
0 Bspec points

The last year or more of this game has just been getting my collection of cars together and piling on laps around the 'ring, my favourite track as it feels more like a good drive down a nice wide A-road rather than a race track, but with no traffic jams!

I'm not bothered about completing it B-spec and the races with le-mans type cars do nothing to hold my interest. I'm very boring to be honest, I just like having my collection of production cars in various states of tune to browse through then getting a few laps in or have a race, then if I'm feeling flush for cash and they've done me proud, give them a wash, how sad is that.
86.9% for me. Having recently pur-chased a PS3 i now have several games higher up in the pecking order than GT4, all struggling to wrestle my dwindling spare time from me. Add to the mix a new found fondness for Simcity and Age of Empires on the PC and GT4 is starting to look like a distant memory. Until UKGTP9 anyway.
I'm on 99.8% with just one more Endurance to do (Tsukuba 9hrs) just haven't had time to play for months due to work and my degree. Though in under 2 weeks I'm free enough to get 100% with no B-Spec use. If I gave up now it would just bug me being so close.
I won't ever make 100% either, but I try to get as close as possible. Currently I'm at 90.1%, but there is not much more left then extreme and enduros :crazy:. But I'm trying to reach 100,000 a-spec points.
Wow. A club I can actually join!


98.4% and stuck.

I struggled through all the rallies, and tried to finish up the Missions. I tried finishing up the race-tire ones, but Mission 29 (Corvettes at Infineon) defeated me.

I might try again in the fall, but I've quit videogames for the summer. I should be able to pick away at some of the normal-tire missions, but some things are like to remain unattainable.

Even after extensive Nürburgring practice, a test of Mission 34 saw me just barely able to see the tail-end of the AI entrants at the end.
Count me in.
I'm now on my 3rd game that has not achieved 100%.

First game I think I was somewhere around 40% before I decided to start over. Why . . . I don't remember what the reason was, but I started over.

Second game I made it into the 90% bracket completeing all events extept the F1 race and a hand full of driving missions. Became bored with racing and started collecting cars. Decided to start a new game and only buying cars that are to be used in an event. Still have this file saved on another card somewhere.

Game 3! Currently 90.4%. All driving missions complete aside from the final one. (&%$#@&!) All manufacturers events complete. (I think) and the majority of the endurance races and extreme events to complete. Didn't hold true to my "buy to use" stratagy, but haven't gone collector crazy either. Recently started going back through the beginners events to gain more a-spec points.

I may get around to compleating the game at some point in life, but probably not for a while.
Last I checked, I was in the realm of 60%. And its likely to forever remain that way.

Unless I hit the lottery and quit work to become a Full Time GT player.