IA:Rainmasters@Spa: Traction variation

  • Thread starter hessi


Ladies, Gents,

I recently had a go at Rainmasters - chose to go for a stock FXX on RH, since I try to make every car pay for itself and the FXX is still 1.5M in the red... ;-)

After getting a hang of both the car and the rainy situation I actually had a really good time, playing mostly with my toes on the pedals, never applying more than 50% throttle or brake and managed to stay on the track nearly 100% of the time - except for one turn at Spa in particular, turn 16. After the second lap on my first try I knew about it and was particular careful, but still, the tiniest application of throttle sends the FXX to the right and into the railing (right next to the safety entry, where the railing is painted red).

I'm now wondering: Is it due to my particular style of driving? Is there a bump in the road that makes the car lose traction? I couldn't see or feel anything special driving over it, but I've done the Rainmasters@Spa now about 8-10 times and I'm fairly confident with the car, the track, the conditions in every corner - except this one. I just can't wrap my head around it...


cu hessi
I can't remember what car I used at Spa (might have been the Huayra), but I remember I used SS tyres. Worked very well.
I used a Mclaren F1, it was a handful on every corner! I will have to go for a drive and see which corner you mean, I think there was one corner I kept going wide on if I wasn't particularly careful.