Idea's for an old 266...

  • Thread starter Naoki
Well, I just acquired an old 266 this morning from my mom (old work PC). I installed Windows 2000 Pro and it is just sitting there. Does anyone have any ideas on how to put this old computer to some use?
what are you going to use it for? No decent games will run on it(with the exception of Solitare(: ) I would suggest using Linux and turn it into a server of some sort, but it sounds like you want Win2k on there, so whatever floats your boat.
I could easily partition the hard drive and put some form of Linux on it. Make it a dual boot :) But I don't know what I would use it for if I were to turn it into a server? :confused:

Right now, all I have installed on this (6 gig hard drive) is Trillian Pro and Winamp (for listening to ;)).
If you put Linux on it, it would be best to take Windows off of it. It's not that they can't coexist, but they just can't run at the same time.

Actually, I'm not sure if you should take Windows off... There's some freaky stuff about Wine, I havn't touched it yet, but I've read some things about how it uses windows's regestry and stuff when it runs windows programs....

If you did use Linux, though, it would be best to have that run all the time. One reason is that programs like Appache run in the background, meaning they run all the time, unless you tell them to stop(using the kill command) or if you turn off your computer. There's a program exactly like WinAmp for Linux, I think it's called XMMS or something. But the plugins and everything work the same, or so I've read(For my computer, I just use the standard CD-player program, I don't have any MP3's on it because well, I havn't gotten a filesharing program on it yet...
It's up to you, they're all a little different, so try a bunch out. I'm using Slackware, and I like it quite a bit. I find I like it more than RedHat, but RedHat has some nice features like having it automatically boot up into a Graphic User Interface(Think Windows3.1, which is a GUI) whereas Slackware boots up into textmode(think DOS). But Slack can be customized to do that as well, or so I've read. Like I said, try them all out, who knows, maybe you'll like RedHat over Slack. Anything's possible.
Thanx rjensen11! I guess I'll just have to read up on the different versions of linux. I've heard that you can run Linux from the cd your burn it to. All you have to do is change the master boot from hard drive to CDROM. Is this true?
Originally posted by Integra Type R
Thanx rjensen11! I guess I'll just have to read up on the different versions of linux. I've heard that you can run Linux from the cd your burn it to. All you have to do is change the master boot from hard drive to CDROM. Is this true?
Yes and no...

I understand what you're saying, and what you're trying to say is correct, but what you said is incorrect...

You go into your BIOS, then see if you can change the first device to boot your computer from(Normally it's Floppy, because of the boot disks and recovery disks and such) to CD-ROM, then have the second be floppy, and the third be hard disk. That's how I have mine set up, mostly because now I don't have to change anything and I won't have to ever boot off of a network. The boot sequence probably is in a menu of some sort labled something like Boot Options.

For the Linux disks that you download, what you download are slimmed down distributions. It doesn't mean that what you have is any worse, but simply that if you want all of the stuff that's on the commercial CD's, you'll have to download the programs. Some distros, like RedHat, have a program(monthly or yearly fee of some sort, I forget) where you can download program updates and such. There are some other distributions that have nice programs that download program updates automatically or can be scheduled, as well.
Redhat? My 200 could run RH7.2 and 7.3, but not well at all. I'd stick with Slack because it'll run much faster if you can leave it in text mode when you don't need to be in front of it. That, and it'll be easier to save disk space:D

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