If someone liked S2 should they get S1??

  • Thread starter Vaxxtx
United States
San Antonio Tex
Never played Shift1, but totally dig S2. Would it be worth getting...or be a disappointment?
Probably not worth it. All of the cars (including DLC) from Shift 1 are in Shift 2, there are more tracks, autolog, telemetry, all cars works etc. Shift 1 didn't have anything that Shift 2 misses and it is improved upon in every aspect in the sequel.

If on PC though, Shift 1 is worth picking up for the mods. There are a heap of extra cars/skins available, along with the Ferrari and Exotic DLC. Also the Overhaul Mod does a fantastic job of fixing the bugs, removing all the inconsistencies in the physics/aero data and giving a driving feel similar to the sequel.
no, there is no sense in buying shift 1 after shift 2. All the things in shift 1 are already in shift2.
Probably right, but out of curiosity I'm going to fire up Shift 1 to see what it was like :D

Let me know. There any tracks in 1 that are not in 2? I can pick it up cheap is why I was wondering.

I am just waiting for the dang DLC, I was hoping to have my mini, and enjoy some drag races already...dang PSN.
If you could find it for $10/15 bucks I'd pick it up. It's still a fun racing game and while Shift 2 has improved on just about everything form the original, I still think it's worth it to play the original.

Shift 1 wasn't that good.It had too many problems for me to really enjoy.

Shift2 on the other hand is 10x better and has more cars,tracks.

So Shift 1 may not be a good idea to get.
Thanks for the replies. The DLC is right around the corner and if there is nothing in 1 that isnt in 2 Ill stick to playing Shift2 and Dirt2 :)
Sorry.., but I have to disagree here. To the OP.., what you have to keep in mind is that some of the responses you get may be from individuals who have never owned or even played the first Shift. You'll also get replies from "previous" Shift-1 owners who purchased the title, but dumped it before it was finished being patched by SMS/EA.

I think if you can get Shift-1 for a good price it's TOTALLY worth it. Just because another title is "newer" doesn't always mean the previous one is crap. The number of GT-5 owners who prefer GT-4 is a good example.

Sure.., with Shift-1 you're not going to be getting some of the newer cars, tracks, ect. However.., it's still a bloody damn good game! I'll just list a few random good things about Shift-1.

1: IMO the standard cockpit view in S1 is much better than the "granny cam" in S2U.

2: Graphics aren't as good as S2U.., but they're still good, and the cockpit view graphics are still AMAZING.

3: There is a HUGE difference in default vehicle settings compared between the two titles. S2U's default vehicle settings are absolutely horrible. Essentially every vehicle in S2U needs immediate work to the suspension, tires, steering, brakes, and so on. The default settings aren't even up to par with standard road use. It's as if SMS just got completely lazy.., or was unable to provide adequate default settings due to time constraints for launch.

This is NOT how it is in S1. Every vehicle in S1 is drivable right off the lot.., and have MUCH better base default settings to start with.

4: It's obvious that BOTH S1 and S2U have the same "center axis" steering. IMO (as well as many others here) S2U's vehicles have the rear ends kicking out just as much as the previous title. HOWEVER.., there is a very notable difference in something in one and not the other.

In S1 you have something that was GREATLY reduced in S2U.., and that's TIRE SCRUBBING. SMS majorly reduced the tire scrubbing in S2U. In S1 when that back end kicked out you heard the tires scrubbing.., but in S2U the exact same rear end travel produces little to no scrubbing at all. This is a major problem IMO because S2U lack of tire scrubbing makes it VERY frustrating for game pad users. Part of the "on ice" feeling in S2U is because (especially when using a game pad) is that it's much harder to judge when your tires are losing grip in S2U.

5: If you get the XBox version there's also the Ferrari DLC (WHICH IS FREAKIN NICE).

I'm sure there are a few other things to compare.., but really the best comparison you're going to get is from actually playing it yourself. Many game stores have good return policies on used titles too. GameStop here in the USA lets you purchase it.., play it, if you don't like it.., return it with no questions asked.
I'd vote no unless you can get it for PC and mod it. Otherwise - if you really really really really want some more event types (or Ferraris) then maybe - if it's cheap. For the stock game on consoles - other than if you're getting it for the 360 and the Ferrari DLC - there is really nothing compelling about it over S2U. It's like an early beta of S2U without night racing and autolog, but with an astonishing number and variety of bugs S2U doesn't have. It's not that it's a bad game, just, kind of irrelevent if you have the sequel.
Give me Ferrari 458 Italia SMS Studio!!! Why the hell there isn't any Ferrari in S2? Ferrari is the most favourite car brand in GT5 and Forza 3, especially the 458, great driving, bada$$ engine sounding.

I guess Ferrari doesn't give SMS a f about their product, or SMS just hated them lol... too bad, you lost so much fun without Ferrari cars, just my $0.02.
If you are thinking about the PC title then get it - if it is for the consoles then dont it is not worth it if you already have S2
I for one started playing Shift 1 AGAIN 1 month before the release of Shift 1 to get used it. I still have it but I really don't see why I should play it now...

But, like I said.. i still have so, who knows, I just don't foresee it happening.
Give me Ferrari 458 Italia SMS Studio!!! Why the hell there isn't any Ferrari in S2? Ferrari is the most favourite car brand in GT5 and Forza 3, especially the 458, great driving, bada$$ engine sounding.

I guess Ferrari doesn't give SMS a f about their product, or SMS just hated them lol... too bad, you lost so much fun without Ferrari cars, just my $0.02.

Chances are there are issues with licensing, if they could put Ferrari in the game, it is very likely it would be there.

Same as GT and Porsche.
I couldnt care less about Ferarri. Never cared for most of thier cars, dont know why. Always seemed very over-hyped I guess. I would only get it for the PS3.
I couldnt care less about Ferarri. Never cared for most of thier cars, dont know why. Always seemed very over-hyped I guess. I would only get it for the PS3.

👍 +1

but I would enjoyed having the ferrari that runs in the GT3 championship
Let me put it this way:

You're arriving at MacDonald's.Why order a cheese if You can afford a Big Mac?💡
3: There is a HUGE difference in default vehicle settings compared between the two titles. S2U's default vehicle settings are absolutely horrible. Essentially every vehicle in S2U needs immediate work to the suspension, tires, steering, brakes, and so on. The default settings aren't even up to par with standard road use. It's as if SMS just got completely lazy.., or was unable to provide adequate default settings due to time constraints for launch.

This is NOT how it is in S1. Every vehicle in S1 is drivable right off the lot.., and have MUCH better base default settings to start with.

Interestingly, the S2U setups were done by a current GT3 driver (sandstrom) rather than a former SCCA driver (arnao) as in S1.

4: It's obvious that BOTH S1 and S2U have the same "center axis" steering. IMO (as well as many others here) S2U's vehicles have the rear ends kicking out just as much as the previous title.

This is some silly stuff you wrote here.
S2U does suffer from the exact same problem with the rear end kicking out from using a center axis steering system. Have you not tried the chase cam in S2U? It's visually the same.., but a major difference is the tire scrubbing is either extremely faint or non existent.
S2U does suffer from the exact same problem with the rear end kicking out from using a center axis steering system. Have you not tried the chase cam in S2U? It's visually the same.., but a major difference is the tire scrubbing is either extremely faint or non existent.

The one thing that is exactly the same is the chase camera:

(shift 2)
                <data class="CCameraConfig" id="0xF30A180">
                    <prop name="Name" data="ChaseCam" />
                    <prop name="OriRate" data="2.5;10;0" />
                    <prop name="VelocityOriRatio" data="0.1" />
                    <prop name="TargetPertubationScale" data="1" />
                    <prop name="Pos" data="ChasePos" />
                    <prop name="RearPos" data="ChasePos" />
                    <prop name="PosOffset" data="0;0.525;0.156" />
                    <prop name="OriOffset" data="-0.06;0;0" />
                    <prop name="RearPosOffset" data="0;1.0;0.256" />
                    <prop name="RearOriOffset" data="-0.18;0;0" />
                    <prop name="HeadPhysicsScale" data="2;2;4" />
                    <prop name="Radius" data="5.2" />
                    <prop name="FOV" data="1" />
                    <prop name="FOVMax" data="1.5" />
                    <prop name="FOVMaxSpeedMPH" data="90" />
                    <prop name="AspectRatio" data="1.33333" />
                    <prop name="NearZ" data="0.2" />
                    <prop name="FarZ" data="4500" />
                    <prop name="CutOffZ" data="550" />
                    <prop name="ImpactShakePositionalExtents" data="2;2;2" />
                    <prop name="ImpactShakeOrientationalExtents" data="1;1;1" />
                    <prop name="ImpactShakeFrequencyFactor" data="10" />
                    <prop name="SpeedShakePositionalExtents" data="0.02;0.015;0.0025" />
                    <prop name="SpeedShakeOrientationalExtents" data="0.0035;0.0035;0.003" />
                    <prop name="SpeedShakeFrequencyFactor" data="15" />
                    <prop name="SpeedShakeMinSpeed" data="25" />
                    <prop name="SpeedShakeMaxSpeed" data="50" />
                    <prop name="HideCar" data="false" />
                    <prop name="HideCarRearLook" data="false" />
                    <prop name="RenderCockpit" data="false" />
                    <prop name="RenderHelmet" data="false" />
                    <prop name="DriverMode" data="2" />
                    <prop name="AllowCycle" data="true" />
                    <prop name="AllowCycleAI" data="true" />
                    <prop name="HeadPhysicsType" data="2" />
                    <prop name="UseChaseLook" data="true" />
                    <prop name="HUDMode" data="1" />
                    <prop name="WideHUDMode" data="2" />
                    <prop name="HUDHeadPhysics" data="true" />
                    <prop name="PlayJetstreamSound" data="true" />
                    <prop name="EnvMapUpdateWeightPosX" data="1" />
                    <prop name="EnvMapUpdateWeightNegX" data="1" />
                    <prop name="EnvMapUpdateWeightPosY" data="1" />
                    <prop name="EnvMapUpdateWeightNegY" data="1" />
                    <prop name="EnvMapUpdateWeightPosZ" data="1" />
                    <prop name="EnvMapUpdateWeightNegZ" data="1" />
                    <prop name="EnvMapUpdatesPerFrame" data="4" />
                    <prop name="VanishParticlesNearCamera" data="false" />
                    <prop name="LODDistanceMultiplier" data="1" />
                    <prop name="FreeLookYawLimits" data="-70;65" />
                    <prop name="FreeLookPitchLimits" data="-40;30" />
                    <prop name="FreeLookCeiling" data="5.2" />
                    <prop name="RotateChaseCamPitchLimits" data="-70;15" />
                    <prop name="DistanceToTargetLimit" data="15" />

(shift 1)
                <data class="CCameraConfig" id="0x278CED40">
                    <prop name="Name" data="ChaseCam" />
                    <prop name="OriRate" data="2.5;10;0" />
                    <prop name="VelocityOriRatio" data="0.1" />
                    <prop name="TargetPertubationScale" data="1.0" />
                    <prop name="Pos" data="ChasePos" />
                    <prop name="RearPos" data="ChasePos" />
                    <prop name="PosOffset" data="0;0.525;0.156" />
                    <prop name="OriOffset" data="-0.06;0;0" />
                    <prop name="HeadPhysicsScale" data="2;2;4" />
                    <prop name="Radius" data="5.2" />
                    <prop name="FOV" data="1" />
                    <prop name="FOVMax" data="1.5" />
                    <prop name="FOVMaxSpeedMPH" data="110.0" />
                    <prop name="AspectRatio" data="1.33333" />
                    <prop name="NearZ" data="0.2" />
                    <prop name="FarZ" data="800" />
                    <prop name="ImpactShakePositionalExtents" data="2.0;2.0;2.0" />
                    <prop name="ImpactShakeOrientationalExtents" data="1;1;1" />
                    <prop name="ImpactShakeFrequencyFactor" data="10" />
                    <prop name="SpeedShakePositionalExtents" data="0.02;0.015;0.0025" />
                    <prop name="SpeedShakeOrientationalExtents" data="0.0035;0.0035;0.003" />
                    <prop name="SpeedShakeFrequencyFactor" data="15" />
                    <prop name="SpeedShakeMinSpeed" data="25" />
                    <prop name="SpeedShakeMaxSpeed" data="50" />
                    <prop name="HideCar" data="false" />
                    <prop name="HideCarRearLook" data="false" />
                    <prop name="RenderCockpit" data="false" />
                    <prop name="AllowCycle" data="true" />
                    <prop name="AllowCycleAI" data="true" />
                    <prop name="HeadPhysicsType" data="1" />
                    <prop name="UseChaseLook" data="true" />
                    <prop name="HUDMode" data="1" />
                    <prop name="WideHUDMode" data="2" />
                    <prop name="HUDHeadPhysics" data="true" />
                    <prop name="PlayJetstreamSound" data="true" />
                    <prop name="EnvMapUpdateWeightPosX" data="0.9" />
                    <prop name="EnvMapUpdateWeightNegX" data="0.9" />
                    <prop name="EnvMapUpdateWeightPosY" data="1.0" />
                    <prop name="EnvMapUpdateWeightNegY" data="1.0" />
                    <prop name="EnvMapUpdateWeightPosZ" data="1.0" />
                    <prop name="EnvMapUpdateWeightNegZ" data="0.8" />
                    <prop name="EnvMapUpdatesPerFrame" data="4" />
                    <prop name="VanishParticlesNearCamera" data="false" />

which - similar to the way the race helmet cam tends to increase the perception of understeer - increases the perception of oversteer by lagging behind (the low ori rate you see up top - eg. bonnet cam uses 360,360,360 orientation force strength, and no velocity delay, which is why it suddenly seems rather a lot less there) the car's motion.

I really don't know how to address the concept that there is "centre point steering" in a game with a 4 point 3d suspension and tyre model with a ridiculous number of inputs. Imagine if someone said - I don't know - "GT5 is pretty good, but you can very obviously see they use 2d sprites so the cars drive funny". It's the kind of thing where "not even wrong" is really the only way to conceptualise how wrong it is.
Yeah, what the guy above me said.

I was just about to bang that up there and I got ninja'd.

Oh well.
For me, no. I utterly detested Shift 1, I thought it was horrible!

Then again I thought S2U was horrible too when I first put it in the PS3. However I have now changed my mind completely. 180º turn around. Maybe if I had put more effort into Shift 1 I might have found it enjoyable, but I will take some convincing.

The driving, while still sort of 'floppy' to some other titles out there, seems a hell of a lot better in S2U. They also seem to have cut back slightly on the overly irritating 'immersion' effects, that the shift series like to add, to a level that doesn't interfere so much with the game.

As an ex GT fanboi, I can say S2U is probably the best racer I have played on a console. I don't think many people would say the same about S1.

Just my opinion of course :)
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I really don't know how to address the concept that there is "centre point steering" in a game with a 4 point 3d suspension and tyre model with a ridiculous number of inputs. Imagine if someone said - I don't know - "GT5 is pretty good, but you can very obviously see they use 2d sprites so the cars drive funny". It's the kind of thing where "not even wrong" is really the only way to conceptualise how wrong it is.

For Shift 2: You can reduce the sliding feel by softening the rear spring rate. It's the number one reason why the rear tires swing out. However, you can alternatively change camber angles, tires pressure, and sway bars because it could be that the rear tire patch isn't making full contact. I haven't tried this in Shift 1.

Note: Because of this, you could argue that spring rate settings are backwards in terms of front and rear.
Funny I was wondering about the samething- was Shift 1 PC worth visiting after I saw the Ferrari DLC you could use with it. Could you not use the Ferrari DLC with Shift 1 PC? Sounds like you can't
Funny I was wondering about the samething- was Shift 1 PC worth visiting after I saw the Ferrari DLC you could use with it. Could you not use the Ferrari DLC with Shift 1 PC? Sounds like you can't

The Ferrari DLC was only RELEASED for the Xbox 360, but there are ways to obtain it for the PC.
