Originally posted by piesupreme
right. time for a "piesupreme meaningful post"
lets say that you take the red pill. you wake up, and you see that your entire life would be just a dream. A DREAM. but this dream, it seemed to be so real, as though you could do anything you would in real life. would you really want to lose your entire life to a place where it's always cold, you learn the truth about your dream, and the fact that what once was the reigning species on earth has fallen to something that we created? i would.
the average human always wants to learn more about the world around him, whether it's real or not. if you had the chance to save the human race, would you? i mean, we created AI, they became more powerful than us, so why should we take over from the dominant species, if i can call it that. then, think about the prospect of us taking over another world. that's one less civilisation in thw universe that we took over. not one point would anyone think about how THEY felt. all they're trying to do is procreate, just like us. now think about if WE were the machines, and the machines were us. would it be alright then? no. it wouldn't.
now imagine that we take the blue pill. you go back to your normal life, and completely forget the encounter with morpheus. would you care about the fact that you had the chance to save the earth, but didn't? no, of course you wouldn't. you wouldn't even know that you had the chance. it's like telling someone something that they did yesterday, but they can't remember what happened. they get confused, and deny everything. after this, god knows what would happen, but it would send the person into a confusion status, which no-one likes.
but think about the possibilities of what would happen if you took the blue pill. if you were in neo's shoes. it would mean that the machines will almost always rule outside the matrix, and simply because of taking the blue pill, human beings will stay int he matrix, possibly forever. also, put in your mind this fact: maybe we're in the real world now supposedly in the matrix, and taking the red pill would mean us going into the true matrix?
for example, you take the red pill. you go through the gateway into the other realm, and end up in a bowl of pink liquid. but this is not the real world, this is the matrix. we were living in the real world all along. now would that be weird?
also, something to note. if you were sat in that chair, where neo is downloading all those programs into his head, after this has finished, wouldn't you want to go back into the matrix, just like you were before, but with all this information stored in your head? like, you learned al the different martial arts, learned everything aboutt he matrix, but forgot the fact that there is a matrix? now wouldn't that be cool?
another interesting point. what would have happened if neo walked out of the door when morpheus offered the pill? this would still have the same effect as taking the blue pill, but he would remember everything that happened that night.
and that's how i would want ti to be. i would want to knwo i'm in the matrix, but i'd like to stay there, because of the horrific sight i wouild see if i left the matrix and learned the real truth. also, if morpheus had told me about the stuff i could do in the matrix whilst i was plugged into it, then i would simply learn all the stuff i neede to know (there is no spoon, you think that's air you're breathing, etc.), and continue to live my life whilst in the matrix.
another alternative that i would like would be to get unplugged from the matrix, then get plugged in somewhere that the machines could not find me. then, i owuld be free from control of the machines, yet i owuld have the knowledge of the matrix and what it is, and learn about the ways i oculd manipulate the matrix without being caught by the machines. that would be perfect.
anywho, i respect the way cypher chose to go back into the matrix. i mean, you've been disconnected form your lovely world, and now you see this horrible place full of machines, with very little human civilisation left. what would you prefer?
there are so many different options open for this question, so i had to whittle it down to this. and i know every word from the film, i used to watch it like it was the bible. it was a revolutionary film, which i thought had a much deeper meaning than the general public knew.
thankyou andy and larry, for opening this up to me.