If you drive with a wheel....

Wouldn't it make more sense to not have the wheel (and hands) on the screen, just the dash and everything else that's behind the wheel, particularly for those with the wheel set up right in front of their screen?
I have my wheel set up so that it blocks the virtual wheel from the position I'm sitting. I understand what you're saying, though.
I think this has been discussed to death already. You can do what Quiet Storm did, or ignore it all together.

There not going to change the cockpit view at this point, but who knows. I've gotton used to it and look right past it.
They should allow players to adjust the field of view inside the cockpit.
But maybe that takes up too many resources, who knows.
You can adjust field of view in PC games.
They should allow players to adjust the field of view inside the cockpit.
But maybe that takes up too many resources, who knows.
You can adjust field of view in PC games.

YOu might be able to do this with the head tracking. Cause in IR ones when you move forward it zooms in. So you might be able to calibrate it to where you want it at.
I believe this problem has been resolved in supercar challenge, the view is exactly as you describe.

As for this discussion, it really has been around the block a few times already. The concensus is that your right, we need the better view, its just another thing to add to the wishlist.