If you want clean race on official events ... You have to start it ! make GTS heaven for online race

Everything will start from you. Being an example to others

For example :

1. Racing at SpA ( maybe in the future ). You were 2 wide an the entrance of Eau Rauge, will you back off to allow single line of racing and make everybody safe ?

2. Tailgating somebody you don't know his racing history on the straigh of Nurburg GP T1, who know he/she will brake earlier. Will you brake ealier or give some room ?

3. Will you make a dangerous move to pass somebody at the top of Mountain Panorama and when speeding at the Conrod Straight ?

After years of online racing at iRacing.com, I've learned a lot. When you race so much that people recognize your name, your action on the track will be judged. Taking care of your racing career is a must. You'll not want people judge you as B29 Dive Bomber at T1 Okayama....

And since GTS trying to copy iRacing racing success, so make it a success. It starts from you by racing as clean as possible. It will pay later on.

This is my video when not racing in GTS, I'll race the GT3 series at iRacing. 4 wide and not a single touch at SpA and everybody is behave and race cleanly.

My DR: ---> D :D