I'm A Dad To Be!

  • Thread starter JknRich
Hello Guys and Girls, this is some what a random post, and some may think why am I posting something like this on a world wide forum. I think its do with I don't know anyone on here personally and would like some honest thoughts.

I am a Dad to be in July 2012, I felt every emotion possible when I found out the news. My girlfriend tells me she is about 8 weeks gone, but is showing that she is a lot further on than she thinks.
They say you do show much more with your second.
This is her second child. This will be my first child. Her first child is a wonderful little 5 year old girl (shame about her father)

I am asking you all, if you have or are going through the same things. Or if anyone has good solid advice for me.

I would to hear what some of you have been through, just to help me through this journey I am about to undertake.


• Despite what you think, you can't store up sleep. Get used to erratic sleeping patterns.

• Never wake a sleeping baby, either. Not because it's unsafe for unhealthy, but because you'll enjoy some quiet time.

• Don't be ashamed to ask or accept hand-me-downs. There's lots of baby stuff that gets rarely used, and if you have a relative or family member with a child of similar age or the same sex, you'll get lots of expenses out of the way.

• Get a good car seat: You know the saying, don't get a 20 dollar helmet unless you have a 20 dollar head (substitute "dollar" for your local currency)...do the same for your child. Unless you're absolutely certain the seat hasn't been mangled or involved in an accident, thrown about, or worn/damaged, this is a good item to buy on your own.

• Have your family's support. Mom...Can you watch the kid?

• Support your wife. This isn't easy for her. It won't get easier, either.

• You'll be the same old you, but you can't be a kid...that's for when the child turns 2-3 or so!

• Filter advice accordingly...be open to new things, and even though you're going to be flooded with advice ranging from WTF? to really helpful, don't discount everything you hear until put into practice, verified by a doctor, and/or reliable sources.

• It's going to scream its head off, get used to that. It's almost never as bad as it seems at first, because you'll be used to baby's cries and responses.

• You'll swear that a few infant clothiers should be forced to wear whatever thoughtless new design they came up with, as you try to get them back into their pajamas at 2:30am with one blood-shot eye, while fumbling with a kicking child that's soiled everything in its path while screaming for food in limited light.

• Yeah, you won't be spending as much time with your friends that don't have kids. Hope you like the girlfriend's family....and better hope they like you too!
Congratulations and start saving up for a shotgun in case you'll have a daughter. You know...boys. We weren't different! :D
This is her second child. This will be my first child. Her first child is a wonderful little 5 year old girl (shame about her father)

My eldest daughter has a different biological father. However, she's still my eldest daughter - just some guy takes her out for a couple of hours every other Sunday. When your second comes along - like mine did earlier this month - your eldest needs to know she's your eldest and not just your girlfriend's.

This can pose a massive problem with sibling jealousy, particularly in kids old enough to know that there's a difference.

This can pose a massive problem with sibling jealousy, particularly in kids old enough to know that there's a difference.

My dad and stepmom did this (I've been with my mom, tho) and it caused my brother (he's 10 years younger) to be jealous of me from time to time. So, either way might be difficult. :)
We're having some minor, quasi-jealousy issues - probably exacerbated by the sheer number of additional half-siblings she has - in the 10-year-older MiniFam1. Nothing serious, but she's getting lots of dad-attention because mum is, naturally, at baby's beck and call. She is quite fond of her sister (technically half, but we never say half- or step-) but she finds her a bit boring because she doesn't do much :lol:

It's going okay so far (4 weeks today!) but I'm keeping the knife drawer, medicine cupboard and pillow store locked, just in case...
Congratulations :cheers: ...and what Pupik said 👍 Also use supermarket own brand nappies and wipes, they do the same job for half the price of Pampers.

We were worried about our first son being jealous of the second one and shoving him behind the sofa but this hasn't happened...yet. There have been a few scuffles over toys and stuff but it'll be nothing compared to how much they fight when they get older. I did the same thing and paid lots of attention to the first when the baby was born which seemed to help, I'm sure it's even more necessary with half siblings.
That's why we have three of them. Though only one functions right now.

I plan to teach MiniFam1 to drive (off the Queen's highway) in a 250hp, 250lbft, 1 tonne FWD car with no brake servo, and how to park in 18 foot of straight-six tinted glass... :lol:
Also use supermarket own brand nappies and wipes, they do the same job for half the price of Pampers
As you're in the UK I can highly recommend Asda's Little Angels nappies - way way better than Huggies and no leaks from the Asda ones despite large poo-splosions. Huggies leak all over the place.
As you're in the UK I can highly recommend Asda's Little Angels nappies - way way better than Huggies and no leaks from the Asda ones despite large poo-splosions. Huggies leak all over the place.

We tried Huggies with the first...but only once :ill: Not the best at containing soft stuff! We stuck with Pampers after that but decided to try Tesco's own with sprog 2 and they are just as good, I'll price the Asda ones up though because I have to make occasional trips there to get the big size milk cartons that Tesco don't stock!
I was warned about Huggies and Luvs and in fact they're terrible. Pampers and even the store brands are better.
I've heard good stuff about Tesco's own, and also Lidl. We'll be moving into cloth once she's bigger, got my stash all ready to go :)
Had a midwife appointment today. Was our first, getting the date of the first scan through the post soon. It's all mental and I'm loving. Not loving my girlfriends hormones haha. I can't wait for the first scan. I want to see my lil one.
On the jealous thing we have sat her daughter down and told her nothing will ever change, we will never stop loving her the way we do. Just gotta take it day by day.
Thank you for the thread above. I will have a read. Good to see more of us mate.