Im about to kill my ps2

  • Thread starter Barracuda
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My frikin game file is corrupted! there goes a crapload of fine tuned drift cars and hours of play. tell me what i should do. i feel like throwing my ps2 off the empire state building. in my memeory card its says the file is fine but when it goes to load it says the file is corrupted, can you tell me what is wrong.
I'm sorry to hear it's corrupted, but there's nothing you can do unless you had backed-up the savegame to your PC or another memory card.

And by the way, this has been brought up many, many times before in the past by doing a quick search for "corrupt data":

Corrupt data club:

Many other threads mentioning it:
you dont have to tell me that there are other threads. i know there are. im just SO PISSED OFF!! gt is my life and all that i really do other than school. that is SOO MUCH DAM WORK lost in one dam second. im seriously gunna frikin split my ps2 in half. OMFG!!!!
gt is my life and all that i really do other than school. that is SOO MUCH DAM WORK lost in one dam second. im seriously gunna frikin split my ps2 in half. OMFG!!!!
Maybe you should balance your life a little more with other activities. GT is just a game after all; no need to freak out.
you have to see it from my standpoint. i moved to crappy florida from new hampshire about a year ago and the only reason i was ok with it was because we were supposed to have enough money to just pay of our house. well it didnt happen that way since our house worth around 350,000 sold for only 280,000 because we had to sell quick. since then my friends havent talked to me and the people down here suck. ive been borderline on exploding and going insane and the only thing that has brought me any kind of joy or happiness is gt. most of my good memories are linked to events in the original and 2nd gran turismo. so it is something for me to freak out about.
you dont have to tell me that there are other threads. i know there are. im just SO PISSED OFF!! gt is my life and all that i really do other than school. that is SOO MUCH DAM WORK lost in one dam second. im seriously gunna frikin split my ps2 in half. OMFG!!!!
Then why make another one?

I can accept your thoughts on making a thread to say that you have had your experience with the all-common data corruption, but we have the Data Corruption Club thread so people like you can mention your corruption in there other than members making another apon another thread about it.

Seriously, a week will go by and it won't matter much anymore, like what happened to me a while back. You've just got to accept it's just a game, from my point of view.
If its that important to you, keep an up to date backup.

It's only a game...
My frikin game file is corrupted! there goes a crapload of fine tuned drift cars and hours of play. tell me what i should do. i feel like throwing my ps2 off the empire state building. in my memeory card its says the file is fine but when it goes to load it says the file is corrupted, can you tell me what is wrong.

How did it happen?

Then ask: "how can I stop this from happening in the future?"
well ive calmed down a little bit. i was just about to update my backup file too. its just really dissapointing. i dont think i will ever get the same information again. it just leaves an empty fealing inside. all i did was turn off my ps2. it was loading or saving either.
well ive calmed down a little bit. i was just about to update my backup file too. its just really dissapointing. i dont think i will ever get the same information again. it just leaves an empty fealing inside. all i did was turn off my ps2. it was loading or saving either.

So you turned it off when it was loading or saving?(I only ask because the word "either" at the end makes me suspect that you meant to type "it wasn't..."

Correct me if I'm wrong (because it has been a while since I've played GT4), but aren't you warned against this because of this exact possibility while saving and at the creation of a game profile?
sry i meant to say wasnt. im gunna have some faith that it will come back. dont ginx it for me by saying it wont. i had a gt2 file corrupt for no reason then about a month later i decided to try the file again and it worked.

my disc may be scratched though. after trying about 10 times i threw my ps2 acroos the room and it hit my couch. there was a whole lot of pointless yelling at my ps2 hits ( about the same impact of it falling off my table which happens all the time and its fine) but durin the first throw all i hear is chick chick chick..... (not a good sound spelling) when i tried to look at a car in the other file i had it froze, so i dont know.
that same thing happened to me, i was a good 55% into the game when my file got corrupted with no backup. i felt the same way for a while until i just started fresh, bought some sweet cars from my dad's game, and did it again. look on the bright side if you can. you will get it back in no time:sly:
well not to say i cant beat the game but due to the enormous size of the game i just did the stupid ai thing with all the works (codebreaker) actually i do feel happy now. im going to truly try to beat it this time. i might just have another file ill download from ar max if i want to fool around, but im gunna try to beat it. the only thing i was saying is i had TONS and TONS and TONS of cars, some with drag setups, drift setups, etc... thats the only reason why its such a devistating loss to me.
Haha happens to the best of us. Hers a tip: turn auto save OFF
Think of the couruption as a new begining. If u are gona throw ur ps2 off a building, I recomend Taipei 101. Try not to hit anyone.:)
I once washed my memory card in the washer and it still worked. I lost nothing and three years later it still works.
MadCatZ the washable memory card.💡
( about the same impact of it falling off my table which happens all the time and its fine) but durin the first throw all i hear is chick chick chick..... (not a good sound spelling) when i tried to look at a car in the other file i had it froze, so i dont know.

The same thing happened to me - every time I tried to turn my PS2 on it make a huge ticking sound and wouldn't read the disk. I had to buy a new PS2 :ouch:

Various threads on this subject already exist - so this one certainly does not need to.


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