I'm Back With More Manga Cars!

  • Thread starter benzoboy
I'm back! And this time I've got m4d sK1llz y0!

Base: Krooshi
Everything else: Me

Base: Iceman
Lights and Decals: Kevinax
Everything else: Me
(Not done yet)

More coming later
I like the beaten BMW. lol

For inspiration on the racing Audi have a look at the DTM Audi's and their bodykits. They are quite low to the ground also.
You should use some more updated bases, these ones are way old. You should work on your shading too, you're body kits look very flat.
You also need to make each view line up. Eg. The side view rear wing is 2 pixels higher than on the rear view. ;)
You should use some more updated bases, these ones are way old. You should work on your shading too, you're body kits look very flat.
You also need to make each view line up. Eg. The side view rear wing is 2 pixels higher than on the rear view. ;)


Nah, you're alright, I know what you mean, but then again. I ain't an expert like you

However, I am working on something now, and it's pretty good for my standards (I think). Should be done in around 30-45 mins
Finished WAY earlier than expected, well, here it is, my best work yet!

Base: cm108kph
Speakers: ?
Everything else (And speaker box): Me

EDIT: Damn, the wheels aren't alingned properly with the tyre, just ignore that
you made that base? i can do anything except bases. im gonna go work on a 3rd installment in my ferrari new gen series-it has a thread of its own- take a look if you can ;) and lovely work benzoboy;)
el flexo
you made that base? i can do anything except bases. im gonna go work on a 3rd installment in my ferrari new gen series-it has a thread of its own- take a look if you can ;) and lovely work benzoboy;)


BTW, I only tune cars , I can't make bases. I also saw your Ferraris, excellent work 👍

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