for a good starting car for drifting use a awd like evo or Subaru then when you feel like your good enough go onto rwd ( recommend power range 400hp to 600hp for beginners)
for a good starting car for drifting use a awd like evo or Subaru then when you feel like your good enough go onto rwd ( recommend power range 400hp to 600hp for beginners)
for a good starting car for drifting use a awd like evo or Subaru then when you feel like your good enough go onto rwd ( recommend power range 400hp to 600hp for beginners)
use the 350z or the 95/2010 impreza. ill show u how to tune is perfectly. ADD (DUKEKA)
Dodge Viper GTS comfort hard tires 660HP 690torque, perfect for drifting
Dodge Viper GTS comfort hard tires 660HP 690torque, perfect for drifting
No No No you do this 👍 when you want to touge but as for drifting if you would like to be respected first you will need to use comfort hard tires only. The viper isnt a bad idea tho but there is no need to run it with 660 to 690hp tune it fully but go tune the engine and drop it down to around 400 to 450hp. then take the Lsd and tune it 5 5 15 then you want to tune the suspenion of the car Drop the hight of the car all the way down and leave the dampers alone for now & put the anti roll bar at 5 & 5. as for camber you should 0.00 on the front and 0.00 on the rear but put the toe in the rear All the way negative and the front all the way positive. Ok I've given you a basic tune now go get em and stay sideways friend
shmogtChoose a tune. I have so many. Also if you hit guides a the top I have a drift tips section that explains the basics as well as list a couple tunes for what level you are at.
your the first person iv ever heard say not to use any camber on a drift tune.