"I'm not a car guy." GT players......

United States
Fresno, CA, USA
Full disclosure, I very much always have been and always will be a "Car Guy".

I am confused as to why anyone would play often yet not have a interest in the vehicles they are driving?

Sure we don't all like the same thing and that is not what this is about. However, if vehicles are literally just a way to keep from walking or getting bucked off a horse, why get stuck on a driving game?

Not a rant, genuinely confused 🤔

Thank you for your time.
I have been playing driving games for nearly 40 years (I had a Sinclair 48k Spectrum) and love them. I had GT1-4 when I was a PS1/2 owner but have never driven a real car in my life, only scooters (proper Italian ones). I was into cars when I was a teenager but now it's just the gaming/racing aspect I enjoy.
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Maybe they’re not a car guy because they’ve only just started playing?

They’re car curious, but a long way from being a full blown car guy.

You may also consider that someone who spends their time building kit cars in their garage and then goes out racing them in real life, and yet has never picked up a PlayStation controller in their life, might only consider some who’s really really into Gran Turismo and plays it religiously day and night to be only car curious and a long way from being a full blown car guy.

Or something, i dunno.
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Guilty as charged.

My reasoning is I love driving fast. I have 0% interest in the in-depth details of the machinery that allows me to go fast.

I only care about the details of racecraft.

You learn the details and limits of the car best either way by actually driving it rather than looking at its specs, so I have no interest whatsoever in learning the details of cars themselves beyond looking and ogling at them superficially.

In real life I do all standard maintenance on my own cars from oil and all filter changes to brake change and rotating tires because I’m cheap and have had really bad mechanics. But that’s as far as I go, just purely utilitarian knowledge.
Full disclosure, I very much always have been and always will be a "Car Guy".

I am confused as to why anyone would play often yet not have a interest in the vehicles they are driving?

Sure we don't all like the same thing and that is not what this is about. However, if vehicles are literally just a way to keep from walking or getting bucked off a horse, why get stuck on a driving game?

Not a rant, genuinely confused 🤔

Thank you for your time.
The same way you can enjoy any other type of game despite not being interested in whatever the focus may be in real life (presuming it exists).

But if you want to be real specific there are lots of aspects to cars that may not appeal to one in real life but are minimized or outright eliminated in games. Personally I don't care much for anything besides the driving fast and competition bits of racing. Playing a racing game let's me forget about the financial, legal, engineering, mechanical and safety aspects and just focus on the parts I do like.
I’m not interested in racing or modifying a real car and I really can’t afford it anyway. I haven’t had a driver’s license in years because of various reasons either, I’ll probably get it back someday. I go to car shows and stuff with my dad, went to one earlier today actually, but not sure if I would call myself a car guy. More like a gamer who likes looking at and reading about cars.
Full disclosure, I very much always have been and always will be a "Car Guy".

I am confused as to why anyone would play often yet not have a interest in the vehicles they are driving?

Sure we don't all like the same thing and that is not what this is about. However, if vehicles are literally just a way to keep from walking or getting bucked off a horse, why get stuck on a driving game?

Not a rant, genuinely confused 🤔

Thank you for your time.
Guess thats what makes the game so good, people like me who have 0 interest in cars in the real world and find watching car racing super boring can still be addicted to the game.
What the others said.

Who cares about the workings of the car, if you just want to experience driving? You can't force such passion into the technical side of things if you just care about the driving experience itself. Not all people can even afford a decent car either, and even then it'd just be cruising in traffic. You need to be rich if you want any kind of a thrill in real life.

I truly wish I could do more than just cruise, but that's not an option. And if I owned my dream car, I'd have to be prepared for lots of maintenance. I had an MR2 but had to pass the torch as it was turning into a headache.

At the end of the day, people are different and they can play GT even if they aren't into cars. Might I also add, upbringing in a family of car enthusiasts has a great impact on the interest in cars, and you Jess, are a prime example at that. ;)
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I very much enjoy the HITMAN trilogy, the Like a Dragon series, and the Zelda switch games, but I've no intention of ever becoming an assassin, a Yakuza, or a hero. It's just a fun peek into another world of "what ifs". Maybe that's why some people window shop.

But, because of LAD, I have a deeper appreciation and understanding of what goes on behind the scenes of the Japanese underworld. In the same vein, older Gran Turismo titles were absurdly good at getting people interested in oddball cars they had never heard of. I'm not sure how much of that effect GT7 still retains, but it doesn't strike me as odd that people want to immerse themselves into a world for a while, that they've no intention of actually being a part of.
Am not a car guy either.
From teen age i was riding small motorcycles and love the dirt while i was watching the world championship at tv with big interest at 500 cc.

As years go by i fall in love with F1 and the " razor edge" drive that needed, of course as an observer and few times as a spectator.
I play some games with f1 titles at the pc with the best being the Microprose one , ps1 hit the road and gt stole my heart.
A virgin from internet era , just you and your friends who meet some noons at the stores who rent games and video tapes.
Things change a lot from then , i change also .
The only thing remains the same is to have fun challenging your self ,alone or with some " friends" that you will never meet them .
My gaming skills are below average especially right now , i know my place but still i can get joy from it if real life conditions allow me.
Using the same thing for different purposes is very common and acceptable, right or wrong doesn't matter if that pleases you , " hurting " your self or others by doing it ,indicates that you are in a wrong path and usually you're not in position to realise it most of the times.

At the end what's left, is some people around the world which are on the same " wave " with you with all what that contains.
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I'm definitely one of those racing guys and not really a car guy.

I mean I've picked up some car facts over time, but the interest for me is the on-track action.

Some people want to learn all the angles of v8 that have been produced since 1980, I just want to know if I can undercut the guy in front at the next hairpin. 😁
I remember playing a cricket game on PC as a kid. I had zero interest in cricket but it was fun to play. Same way a kid who has never played basketball might express interest in playing after seeing some kids play at recess.

Besides, racing is racing. Also, I'm sure the fact that it's historically been a gorgeous graphical showcase with accessible and familiar road cars has something to do with getting first time racers.