I'm thinkin about buyin Gt and Gt2...

SHouild I beat Gt3 First?  Of course!  I've heard so many good things about the other two, but would I be disappointed?  I guess I'd proly like the game play better, but the Graphics would pale in comparrison.  R the graphics that much different from Gt2 and 1?  I need ur comments!  I LOVE GT3!
GT2 isn't a bad game, but dont get GT1 since the 2nd game offers everything from the first game + more. I own GT2, but once I got GT3 I haven't touched those discs ever since. GT2 does offer some more MANUFACTURERS like VECTOR, VENTURI, and some more. Its real long, and there are no F1 cars. But since it costs about $10 I say get it. NOTE: The FMVs look worse than GT3.
Im with Supra.  no point in GT1 if you get GT@ beside having the whole series(I have all the GT games all of which can be considered first editions, bought when they came out, within a few days peroid at most)
Me too. All three bought first week of release! Bought GT and a Tekken same day. A month later I finally tried the Tekken...

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