A tip I know of is to not share any of your progress with anyone, as it subconsciously demotivates you and makes you get lazy with it.
Other things to consider/guidelines that may help:
* Don't over-describe locations - leave something for the reader
* Conflict is crucial - present characters with challenges - make the reader wonder how a character will deal with a problem.
* Set up beginning events quickly - Trick that adds pace.
* Lack of conflict kills the middle of the story - watch out for sag, but also when the story takes a break from conflicts, make sure it's not for too long.
* Get big book of synonyms and a thesaurus - but don't use old forgotten words
* Intro needs to build expectation of escalation
* Set out main plots and sub plots in a planning sheet
* First conflict should be of main plot
* Reader needs to know subconsciously what to focus on plot-wise
* Don't play games with the reader at the beginning - it will confuse them
* Give reader solid ground to stand on before twisting story (if you know what I mean)
* Don't overcomplicate the opening, don't have 6 people doing 6 different noteable things
* End sub plot before end of first quarter of end section
* Dead people are still characters - make some references/mentionings
* Don't introduce all main characters at once (most books anyway)
* De-humanised/sterile characters are not very effective (which is where Waterworld suffered, he was gruff and stoic, but they did it wrong)
* If you've got multiple mains, let the reader know that you will be switching to other characters early on, and makes changes at the end of chapters/scenes, and use 3rd person text to bring in the new character.
* 'Chapters are artificial', write the story in scenes? Chapters are for evening out breaks and scenes/days in story
* Chapter 1 must tell the reader the style of the book
* Characters performing certain actions to demonstrate a strong relationship between them - no words spoken.
Just from some notes I have compiled, also, clear your room of clutter.
Life is about sacrifices, and doing things you don't want to do, some things in your day to day may need to be cut loose, make sure you devote time to novel writing so that the mandatory things don't get in the way as much. Internet/Forum trawling is lethal to productivity.
Don't worry about non-believers telling you that you won't succeed in the big world, you'll get to rub it in their face later and laugh at them heartilly.