i'm worried

  • Thread starter lbsf1
United Kingdom
Warwick Uni
lbsf1 GTP_lbsf1
obsmu (my brothers acount)
we have came up with so many ideas a every single car ever made has been put in a wishlist. i'm worried that with all the ideas we have made and speculation. like relationships with top gear an tg challenges, yes it would be great but its not all going to be in the game.

i think that we will be dissapointed and go well this wasn't in the game and this wasn't in the game and get all grumpy.

my idea from now is try to be pesimistic (which is hard for me) and only think that things confirmed by pd are in the game. this probably won't last to long and by next week i will be posting new ideas.

anyone with me
Ya see I have all those wishes, I just realize when the game comes out and has whatever it has, there is nothing I can do about it besides not buy the game, which obviously is not going to happen.
It's a shame that this thread is likely to get closed, and a thread sticky should me made in my opinion to remind anyone that not everything we want to see will be in the game, or something along the lines of it, but I totally agree with you, and I have been saying it to most of the members here. 👍
Every Gran Turismo game thus far has exceeded expectations in one form or another. I would try not to speculate on too many details but also be prepared to be "thrilled" with the game's release.

Entry Word:thrill
Text: to cause a pleasurable stimulation of the feelings <was thrilled by the news of Gran Turismo's 2009 release>
Synonyms: electrify, excite, exhilarate, galvanize, intoxicate, titillate, turn on
Related Words: arouse, incite, inspire, provoke, stimulate; bewitch, captivate, charm, delight, enchant, enthrall (or enthral), hypnotize, mesmerize, rivet, spellbind; interest, intrigue, tantalize
Worried...over a console game... I wonder what you would do if you actually had something truly worth worrying about?
Some people around the forums here will be greatly dissappointed when the game comes out or a full feature list is revealed.
Expectations just grow every time when someone comes up with another feature "that might be included", ranging from completely irrelevant stuff to things that are just beyond the PS3's capabilities.

I'd say: no need to get worried, we just don't have enough info yet. The translation of the leaked features was too ambiguous for some features and we don't know if this list contained ALL features in the game. Patience ( al lot ;)) is what we need :)
Worried...over a console game... I wonder what you would do if you actually had something truly worth worrying about?

I think he meant he is worried about the members here, or so I think. I would be worried about the game if I had spent around 4 or 5 years talking about it non-stop. ;)
Worried...over a console game... I wonder what you would do if you actually had something truly worth worrying about?

Maybe he does, maybe he has so much to worry about that occasionally he likes to escape and think about things less stressful.
we have came up with so many ideas a every single car ever made has been put in a wishlist. i'm worried that with all the ideas we have made and speculation. like relationships with top gear an tg challenges, yes it would be great but its not all going to be in the game.

i think that we will be dissapointed and go well this wasn't in the game and this wasn't in the game and get all grumpy.

my idea from now is try to be pesimistic (which is hard for me) and only think that things confirmed by pd are in the game. this probably won't last to long and by next week i will be posting new ideas.

anyone with me

I am not buying into the self generated hype, it's totally impossible to decipher KY's rather cryptic statements into any concrete evidence, the community does this for him, and when things go awry, the old line "Well they never actually said 100% that feature was going to be in, just they where looking at it, interested in it"..
I'm quite happy with the small amount of base facts we do have, it may sound pessimistic to some, but whatever is released at TGS, I'll either still be happy, or ecstatic!.. I feel I can't lose!
It's not like this is a new thing, there have been wishlists for basically every game. Most people however can decipher the difference between a wishlist and a confirmed list.
It's not like this is a new thing, there have been wishlists for basically every game. Most people however can decipher the difference between a wishlist and a confirmed list.

I think the unique thing with PD/KY is all this wishlist/vision stuff they do, remember the GTHD Roadmap?

I can't think of many developers (well none, but I'm sure someone will find one) that does this constant roadmap, constant stories of "We'd like to, we are looking at, we are working on" without giving out concrete details..

I'm not saying it's bad, I'm saying it's understandable why people assume so much, and possible set themselves up for disappointment..
Hype can both help and hurt games at the same time. There's no way GT5 will live up to everyone's expectations (especially to those people who like to assume everything), but at the same time that won't make it a bad game. Its something you just have to live with.
The thing is, I'm worried about some things as well but the great thing we have this generation over the previous one is DLC and GT can do anything and everything regarding to the GT franchise which wasn't doable before so. GT5 will be what it will be and more as time passes by. All the better for us fans of the franchise ;D
i'm worried about serious gt fans ( i've only been part of the website for 2months i'm not a gt addict(yet)) what i think is the people who have talked about gt5 since gtvision that they may think every bit of speculation and have loads of ideas and will want to much of the game. I want it to be good but i think some people will want it to be better than it will be be.

ha ha very funny famine
Well, it cant be bad to wish, it cant be bad to speculate and it cant be bad to hope. But, and I think I speak for the majority here; in our wishes, speculations and hopes there are mostly a sense of realism that we all fall back to in the end.

GT5 wont be a major failure, nor will it answer all of our dreams.
This is the human race we're talking about here. Many of them are never satisfied. Somehow, I'll survive their disappointment. ;)

Their posts here will probably be lost in all the "Wowwee!" threads, the "Look what I found!" threads, the "Did you know about this?" threads, the many online racing league threads and the "I found the best car and set up for (X) race" threads, among others. And then there will be the Photo Mode threads, the Youtube threads, and if there's a livery editor, all the picture threads of amazing cars, and the threads about race cars fans will want recreated. I can't imagine the tiny handful of "GT disappoints" threads to last very long in this environment.
I'm with FLASH on this one. I'm not worried about it not having all the features that some think it "should" have because realistically, that ain't gonna happen...stop setting your expectations way too high!!

No need to worry about it...it's gonna be a fantastic experience :sly: