Image Selection for the PSCs, a few suggestions.

  • Thread starter -Fred-


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Staff Emeritus
Since i'm doing this every week, i know just how hard it is to select a good picture as your victim. I thought i'd give a few pointers to the newer members (or anyone for that matter) that create new PSC threads. I'm no expert, and i don't want to make this sound mean or anything, but if you want to keep the 'choppers happy, you've got to select wisely. :)

  • Size is important. I'd suggest a 700x500 sized picture as a minimum size. Don't make it too big either, else everyone will have to resize the picture!
  • Make sure your picture is of good quality. If you want to see good chops, it's essential. Look for professionnal press pictures, they usually are great.
  • Try to look for a light colored car/truck/motorbike/etc. Dark colors are hard to work with, and don't show as much detail.
  • The background. Make sure it's not too cluttered, because that can derail attention from the chop. Furthermore, it makes it harder to work with the picture for the 'chopper (for instance, take a look at the Renault Clio i used during the weekly PSCs... bad me!).
  • The angle of the victim is important. There are a lot of pictures out there that were taken at similar angles, and that improves "compatibility". Try to avoid pictures where the car is taken from far off, or in a strange angle of photography (as seen here)
  • Lighting is important, too. Often, there are reflections in the car, and sometimes it makes the color changing, or color matching, a pain in the you-know-where.
  • Red. Yes, red looks good. But it's hard to chop. Mainly because it's a very reflective color, that's also very hard to photography properly. Try to use a red car as your last resort. I've had comments on this in the past, and that's why you won't see a red car in the Weekly PSCs anytime soon. :P

Well, that's about it, i think. If anyone else has anything to add regarding picture selection, feel free to do so. :)
it would be cool and weird to do a motorcycle... and helluva difficult too. we should try XD


good suggestions punkrock. specially the red one. thats why I dont change color if the car is red @.@
Very good tips, however they only apply to editing pre-fabricated images (mainly cars...). If you were to participate in something like the Abstract competition (I'm pretty sure most people make their entries from scratch), then these rules are pretty much useless.
Ok ok, you win. No body likes the monthly idea. I will make it a biweekly comp from now on. By the way, the next car is in color, but its going to be silver. :rolleyes:
...well if you only count the official ones yea its been 14, but I was counting the ones before the board upgrade :D