ImageReady help.

  • Thread starter Slick6


United States
United States
Alright, when I'm trying to change one of my animation slide's colors, it makes the changes to all of the slides. I read the help thing but I don't understand what it means. If anyone could help, please. Here's a screenie.
Use the layer palette not the, rollover.

Create a new layer for each new colour you want. Then in the frames thing do the following to make each colour blend.

Frame 1
Blue Layer Visible - 100% Opacity

Frame 2
Green Layer On Top of Blue Layer in Layer hierachy and set to 50% Opacity. Remember to leave the Blue Layer behind it.

Frame 3
Green Layer Visible - 100% Opacity, turn off the Blue Layer, because you don't need it, you can't see it because the Green Layer is on top - du'h

Repeat same steps but with different layers for different colours.

Any problems just PM me, and if it sounds like too much, I can help.
After creating a duplicate of the 1st frame, I am able to move an element in the duplicate without any problem, but when I apply a transform, such as rotating the element, the change also applies to the original frame. What am I doing wrong?
David Hanson
After creating a duplicate of the 1st frame, I am able to move an element in the duplicate without any problem, but when I apply a transform, such as rotating the element, the change also applies to the original frame. What am I doing wrong?
What you are telling ImageReady to do is to transform the element or layer. Now this layer is set to appear on more than one frame and since you just told it to transform itself in say frame 2, it is going to be transformed in frame 1 as well because the element in both frame 1 and 2 is the same thing.

To get around this simply drag the original layer onto the "New Layer" button as shown in the diagram below.


This will create an exact copy of the original layer. The original layer will still be visible so you will need to hide it by clicking the eye. With the new duplicate you will be able to apply the transformation and not effect the original unless the layers are linked, which they wont be unless you did something wrong.

To sum it all up if you are going to do something different to a layer in a frame you will need to copy the layer and apply the effect to the duplicate. If you got lost reply and I'll help you through it step by step.