improvements for gt5

  • Thread starter steven
driehuis (nl)
i hear PD is working hard on gt5. it surprises me i cannot find any forum entries on the web suggesting improvements based on gt4 that can be used to make gt5 fantastic. so here we go. let me know what you think, and i'll include your suggestions into my list. if PD is listening to gtplanet, who knows what might happen?

general and circuits
MORE CIRCUITS (brands hatch, silverstone, zandvoort, paul ricard, spa francorchamps, magnycours, original mille miglia track)
login as different users on 1 memory card
tuning manual
start again with licences kept
overview of races/missions/licences left to be won
all circuits dry and wet
best steering line and braking points training/support
more statistics (especially achieved race times with car info); make statistics downloadable and printable
no difference between japanese, usa and european versions (makes internet discussions etc. very confusing)
enable cars of all types (boxer, rr, pickup etc.) for all continents so you can use gt4 with only usa or jp or eur cars for ALL races
remember and display all lap times in all race types per circuit
hardware: reduce noise when on --> less bother to rest of family

driving experience:
more car viewpoints/cameras (cockpit, close/far top view)
properly working handbrake, lights on/off, roof open/close

1 spot for upgrades
narrow/wide/slick/wet tires
enable training on specific improvements before race
sell parts and regain original state
make all parts available for all cars

car selection screens:
improve car classification insight and selection throughout the game (normal, prototype, rallye, gt1, gt2, jgtc, race)
more variables in car selection screen such as continent, class, mileage, original/modified
make car comparison available in original/current state
introduce porsches, italians and small british sport car brands and get rid of all cheap slow cars
sort second hand cars by country, type, value etc; less japanese and more euro/us, mark if already in possesion
attach value to al cars
room for own ranking/appreciation of cars (eg school figures 1 thru 10)

'race me': race against cars with exact same specs and setup
race against self selectable car group
brand races for all brands
give bonus for neat driving (no grass or hitting walls) - no damage system please
insight in a/b points system; indicate a-points before starting race
other race types: top speed races, acceleration races, tournament of skills (cones, drifting etc.)
i liked all the ideas, just think damage is a must for real racing.

also, internet leaderboard for all top laps.

bring back racing mods

bring back also effective tuning, like it was in GT2. tuning in GT4 is a crap

20 cars in the track at once

change rally tracks to rally stages, racing for time, not against each other

that´s what i can remember right now...
I've been thinking.... wouldn't it be great to make your own racing team? Like, hire all the mechanics, make your own cars, have other drivers in the same teams, test, upgrade, sponsers, having to buy tires, fuel etc etc. A game like that would be worth triple it's weight in gold. :drool:
Yes, theres been a few threads created by a member here called JohnBM01, he's great when it domes to idea's to improve the depth of the series, I had an idea about the racing team managment in one of his threads if I remember correctly, it was a while back though so I might not find it but I'll have a look and see if I can dig the post and thread up.

I've found it, it was actually a thread by a member called [FPV]Rusty who I haven't seen around recently. Heres the thread
My post is quoted below.
Have a read SnizlBute and tell me what you think.

To kick off my post, I'd like to mention two things, firstly and it's mentioned late in you're post FPV, you said "highly random but unlikely events like engine blowouts and other technical failure", none of this is random, it's all caused by bad setups, design and driving and it should remain in you're control at ALL times. Secondly the idea of an expanding race team is one, I'm very keen on, I've mentioned it before and did I say I'm keen on it. I mentioned an idea like this in another thread around here but it put's you as the owner of a race team.

At the start of the career game, GT mode, whatever you want to call it, you create you're profile as normal. Give yourself a name, team name and off you go. Like all GT games you start with no car and a very limited budget, but this is where it's different. You also start wit a sceleton, under-experienced pit crew who've been hired for you for say 100 days. So thats a small, not very good pit crew thats yours for the first 100 days without paying for them, just to help you get going without pulling you're hair all out at once because you literally have NO credits.

As you progress in the game you can hire new staff, say you want somone who can change the cars tyres faster or whatever. You can send you're current staff off for training, so if you've had a member of the team on for a while and you don't want to replace him you can try to improve him that way. You can fire staff when they're either not wanted anymore or just frustrating you with incompetence :lol:, or whatever. When you've been going for a while and built up a nice ammount of credits to spend you can hire a second driver. This is my idea of the new B-Sepc guy, you can send him for training like all the other staff, hire yet another driver, fire him, whatever. You can have him race for you, much like B-Spec does now, but he needs paying, so you can either give him a cut of the prize credits or you can pay him on a fixed term ie so much credit for xxx ammount of days or races he takes part in ect.

If you decide to enter a series and you want to drive, but you have another car thts also able to enter the series, say the DTM races ad you have two CLK-DTM's you can put him in one of them and drive the other yourself so he's racing on the grid WITH you. Ofcourse, you still only have one pit crew so you'd need to make sure you don't pit at the same time :dunce: or one of you wil be wating a while. As you're credits increase you can also hire a second pit crew, this will open things up for you even more. Now you can race two cars in the same series as two seperate teams so you don't have to watch each others pit strategies ect, or you can send him off to do a different series whil you race the DTM or whatever. If you hire a second crew you'd also need a stand in team manager, or cheif to take charge of that team while you're doing whatever in you're own, so you wouldn't need to worry about car setups and what not for you're second driver. This can be done for a thrd driver and so on, basically as long as you can afford it you can do it. As you're staff increses you'd need to upgrade you're premesis, bigger mechanics areas ect. And then you acn go into the ideas that have been mentioned in the past on upgrading my home (theres a thread with a title along thoes lines by our friend JohnBM01 somewhere with some great ideas in it).

Onto training a driver or member of the pit crew, the training will depend on how good that person already is, and what their role in the team will be or is. Say you want to train the mechanics, you can train them in re-fueling, repair work, changing tyres ect. The driver can be trained in various aspects of driving a car fast around a track, how to take an S-Bend, how to take a U turn, how to overtake on an S-Bend ect. I tink this could add greatly to the gamefor thoes that want a bit more depth from GT. Ofcourse, you wouldn't have to hire new drivers or staff if you didnt want, you could always just re-new the existing staff's contracts once every 100,200, 500 days or so if you didn't want to get involved in all that.
Anyway, thats my idea in detail.
Above comment on owning and managing a team is very attractive to me, mainly because i enjoy playing strategy games on the PC. However i would suggest, although an old game, Grand Prix Manager 2 - where you take management of a Formula One team. This is a really, really old game (Win95) however you are able to do all of the above that was mentioned when it comes to running a team; parts, complete set up, tyres & fuel, staff (mechanics to drivers), as well as R&D.

properly working handbrake

I would love for this to be sorted, instead of just locking the rear wheels..

Also the removal of completly useless and pointless cars. There seems to be a lot of cars that you just dont even bother looking at, and as above replaced with cars that have some significance; Renault 5 GT Turbo's (1.4 Turbo, Front Engine, FWD), Escort and Fiesta RS Turbo's, Escort and Sierra Cosworths.

With the second hand car market, although something i primarily got excited about, i overlooked the fact that all cars have "mileage" on them but none have been modified!! I would like to be able to buy a car pre modded. This brings me onto my second "wish" that you could buy 2nd hand parts, at a reduced price, in a rapidly changing market. New technologies as you advance through the game etc

This brings about ideas of much more advanced parts tuning; fuel pumps, specific injectors, different sized turbo's from different cars, ie a standard turbo (or parts) off one car (that maybe you had won in a previous race) going onto a much smaller displaced car. Obvious, for perfectionists there must be some form of boundaries, only certain turbo's will fit onto certain engines. Furthermore the possiblity to upgrade individual parts and the ability to install bigger engines into cars would make things more interesting.

For Example, you have 10,000 credits when you start GT5. You decide to buy a Civic B16 for 5,000credits. A H22 Prelude engine is available for 3,000credits w/ a manfold, wiring kit and geabox, and get your team of mechanics to install it. thats 220bhp from 160bhp. (sorry for the common transplant but jus an example). And then 2,000 credits left to spend.

These boundaries would be highlighted by badly set up engines, aforementioned, causing blown engines, parts to break/fail. Also being able to play with tuning advances as simple as Boost on a turbo. Up the boost without proper fuel/air improvements.. BANG! FUN! :D

I just wish that computer game makers would take their eyes off the "visual benefits" being highlighted in Gotham Racing, i mean i dont really care about what the crowd are doing, that should be lowest of the low on the list of priorities!! (Although mud and rain on the wind screen, window wipers etc is a nice touch when in the cockpit).
I beleive that the graphics aspect of the game will be improved IF they decide to create a GT in conjunction w/ PS3, as the hardware of the system will be much better etc etc

It would be more challenging that, like in real life, there was dry, damp and wet conditions on the track, even more so mid race!

This is just my opinion, if someone else has mentioned the above and i havent seen or given praise, apologies.
-> I like the idea, I'd like to see the boost controller feature from GT1. And also I'd like to see horsepower restriction on race events that made GT2 so exiting. (:
hehe, we're doomed to talking about the same stuff and coming to the same conclusions (or lack thereof) over and over again untill gt5 comes out :D
not really an improvement but more of a suggestion :D i posted this somewhere else too.

i'd like there to be 2 garages... this has been bothering me since GT3 and in GT4 too. i'm trying to fully modify all my cars one at a time and to separate my favourites from the ones i dislike :irked: . so it would be nice if you could put all the favourites in one garage and all the slow ugly cars (that you hate but you can't sell because you have have to use them for races) in another.

eg. i hate my small mitsubishi car, it doesn't really have a name, and i hate that deloreon looking car i won, and there are like 50 others that i hate and i don't like them being in the same garage as all my pretty cars :grumpy: and i don't want to sell them because i might need them for a specific race later on

i'm bad at explaining stuff... but you guys should get what i'm saying
Talkin of garages, would be loads better w/ quick links to engine tuning/parts and car set up from the garage!

Instead of back to the main page *load* then either country or Brand Tuning *load*........
You can setup your cars from the garage as it is, I don't mind having to go to the right tune shop to tune the car but in GT4 you can setup whatever car your in without leaving your home.
What about LAN play?
once a month me and five friends of mine meet in my house for a GT4 lan party. Unfortunately the lan play options are very disappointing, so here's how I think GT5 lan play should be:

1) Possibility to use cars from your garage (in GT4 you can't use them, only the unmodified versions you can get in the arcade menu)
2) Start a competition with qualification laps (in GT4 lan play the starting grid is always prefixed and there's no way to change it)
3) The race should end when the last car finishes the last lap (in GT4 it all ends when the first car wins, so what about the the others battling for the 2nd and 3rd position?).
4) Possibility to set a tournament choosing tracks, laps, tyre wear and so on.
What about LAN play?
once a month me and five friends of mine meet in my house for a GT4 lan party. Unfortunately the lan play options are very disappointing, so here's how I think GT5 lan play should be:

1) Possibility to use cars from your garage (in GT4 you can't use them, only the unmodified versions you can get in the arcade menu)
2) Start a competition with qualification laps (in GT4 lan play the starting grid is always prefixed and there's no way to change it)
3) The race should end when the last car finishes the last lap (in GT4 it all ends when the first car wins, so what about the the others battling for the 2nd and 3rd position?).
4) Possibility to set a tournament choosing tracks, laps, tyre wear and so on.

Yeah I had a friend of mine fly out from about 1,000 miles away so we could meet up for a weekend and just hang out and (among other games) play GT4.

I was absolutely horrified that LAN play was this.. HORRIBLE. Oh man, you have felt my pain. You go in thinking "well no online play, but network should be fun!" and you then find out that getting the consoles to play nicely through a router/hub is a pain in the ass with all the collision bull**** you have to fix, but THEN once it's actually working, you find out you can't select cars from your garage!

What kind of crap is that? I wanted to punch every employee of PD in the head for pulling this. They said online play just couldn't be made ready, but even their network mode was complete and utter crap. Seriously, if GT5 doesn't FIX all of this BS, i'm giving up on the GT series. It's been 4 revisions already guys, how many more is it gonna take to get it RIGHT?
Yeah I had a friend of mine fly out from about 1,000 miles away so we could meet up for a weekend and just hang out and (among other games) play GT4.

I was absolutely horrified that LAN play was this.. HORRIBLE. Oh man, you have felt my pain. You go in thinking "well no online play, but network should be fun!" and you then find out that getting the consoles to play nicely through a router/hub is a pain in the ass with all the collision bull**** you have to fix, but THEN once it's actually working, you find out you can't select cars from your garage!

What kind of crap is that? I wanted to punch every employee of PD in the head for pulling this. They said online play just couldn't be made ready, but even their network mode was complete and utter crap. Seriously, if GT5 doesn't FIX all of this BS, i'm giving up on the GT series. It's been 4 revisions already guys, how many more is it gonna take to get it RIGHT?

very true, they HAVE to get this one right... or they'll probly lose 1/3 to 1/2 of the customers... I'm thinking about Xbox360... cause I can drive lambos & ferraris in a game other than need for speed... I will to, if GT5 is all screwed up...
You're very right, Steven.

I would emphasize on DAMAGE and the good management of the race/cars categories. Race conditions (dry/wet) and light (day/night). Adding more lisensing is not so important to improve the game.
My God!!!! O please have better opponent AI!!!!!!!!!! They simply run you off the road, every single time time it is really ridiculous. The opponent ai drives like you don't even exist at all!!!! God forbid you don't brake as deep as they do , will they attempt a pass ? NO!! THey will ram you with suicidall force. My god I can't wait for gt5 online :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)