In all seriousness

  • Thread starter Akira AC
I just simply cant believe the view points from people around the world,I've met people from India,China,Japan,England,France,Arabia saudi,Russia,Iran,North Korea,Germany and the US,and trust me on this none of them were as crazy as this woman:

Now I should address that the content of the video is an outrage from my personal point of view,and the world must see that people of such points of view do exist,I haven't post anything in a while but this deserves it.


Well,she was just trolling,but there are limits for trolling and I believe that this is not laughing joke.
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To funny.

Anyone who preaches so vehemently about anything, only does so to convince themselves.

Nut job imho.
I am at a loss for words. Thanking God for one of the worst disasters in recent history? How disconnected from reality are you?

Reference signature now.
Wow...just wow.
me on Srk
Especially during lent, I don't think that the Catholic faith has to do anything " Evil" to other belief's. There are Christian and Catholic's in Japan though the numbers isn't as high as the Vatican or USA. I feel that she is rather ignorant and only wanting to spread the word rather doing the good deed. God does not want to hurt others just because they don't believe in him.
Well being a person of somewhat reason I would try and ask her why she believes all people in japan are atheists, and why would god answer back in such a way that would kill thousands of his "Children". Then again people like this are not people of much reason, so any breath worth arguing they will always resort back to the bible to prove stuff.

Poor misguided youth. I will pray for people like her.
I bet she is just trying to be another one of these internet celebs, just by watching her facial cues it seem as she was trying not to laugh.
To be honest I think she gas masterfully trolled all of us. If you look at the video she has made about satanic video games she talks about WoW and just hearing about it the other day.
Plus she has subscribed to a couple of religious satire YouTube channels.

Either that or she really is as ignorant as she puts herself out to be. (Which I believe is impossible because she could have been able to make a YouTube account nor a facebook account.)
I think a link to that video with comments would be illegal now as it contains private information? But then anyone could post information and say it is correct. So I don't know. If it was correct it would be a crime.
Seems a bit like the FAMILY GUY writer's joke: quickly retracted because no-one found it funny.

My early comments in the infield were bad enough. This was just disgusting.
Hopefully, it'll teach her not to act like a religious fanatic during a terrible natural disaster.

If anyone still wants to see the video, Matt330 uploaded it here. Credit to him for exposing tamtampamela fail.

This video makes me wish I could do commentaries, because this video deserves it.
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Is this the girl that had been praying for a disaster like this? If so, it is still a sick joke.

Well, it was a sick joke...she was trolling and alot of YT users just been trolled..some Anon have actually done some work in the process... brb