In Need of Help!

I've been torn between Zenfolio and Smugmug, but i hear good things about exposure managar. The thing I like about smugmug is you can sel Full Res Images, but Zenfolio doesnt do that, it's "planned".

The thing I'm torn about Zenfolio and Smugmug is

Smugmug- I can sell full res images, but its 50 bucks more.

Zenfolio- It's Cheaper, but I cant sell full res images. Mpix does the printing.

What I'm Looking for:

- Selling Full Res Images
- Price Per Year isnt too bad.
- Commision 12% or lower.
-Setting Own Prices
Redbubble is another one of these sites worth checking out. Mind you, you'll probably find out soon enough that you won't really make any serious money from these sites but they are generally decent sites to network with others who share your passion for photography.
To add to your list of requirements:

- Do they cater for worldwide buyers, or is it US-only?
- Can you deep-link to individual images in your gallery, or can you link only to the front page? Deep linking is important for when you're doing marketing outside your print supplier.

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