In which universe does he have SR+, while I get SR- here? (Video reviews)

  • Thread starter nuu1212


Racing Daily Race A. Starting from pole a lot. Total SR frustration all day.
Every single time someone dives on me, I get the SR- instead of the diver!

The crucial SR- timestamps are:
0:27 He drives Mr__Stig off track
1:28 He is 0.600 behind, flashes and goes for the dive + bump (I get SR-)
2:09 I catch up in the last turn and slightly bump kevinJ (who slowed down because of another driver massively blocking him) Would be fine with SR- here, but nothing happens.
4:20 I keep it clean on the outside, but he intentianally bumps me wide (I get SR-)
4:50 and 5:30 He somehow avoids bumping this time
6:40 He is 0.600 behind and goes for the massive dive (Guess who gets SR-)

How on earth is it possible that at the end of the race he has blue SR ??? While I am in the red!

Feel free to post your own videos, maybe, just maybe someone from PD will listen in.
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How do you not know the other driver also was given a SR- for those incidents?

SR isn't apportioned on blame really. Usually all people involved are given a SR-

And for 1:28, I would actually say that was your fault, or at least, you could have easily avoided contact yourself

Also, during the video you weave a ridiculous number of times on the straight, so yeah, I'm not buying this whole 'look at me driving clean and getting SR down, this is so unfair' thing you are saying
How do you not know the other driver also was given a SR- for those incidents?

SR isn't apportioned on blame really. Usually all people involved are given a SR-

And for 1:28, I would actually say that was your fault, or at least, you could have easily avoided contact yourself

Also, during the video you weave a ridiculous number of times on the straight, so yeah, I'm not buying this whole 'look at me driving clean and getting SR down, this is so unfair' thing you are saying
He ends up with blue SR rating. so he did not get enough SR-
The weaving while 0.800 ahead is no blocking, just trying to break the slipstream...

The dive at 1;28 happens the whole day. I take a wider entry in order to maximize exit speed,
and every other time a driver 0.5 behind thinks this is a good spot to squeeze in...
I could probably go wider there to avoid the contact, but this would just mean giving in to every idiot that goes for the dive.
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The dive at 1;28 happens the whole day. I take a wider entry in order to maximize exit speed,
and every other time a driver 0.5 behind thinks this is a good spot to squeeze in...
I could probably go wider there to avoid the contact, but this would just mean giving in to every idiot that goes for the dive.

If you're not far enough ahead to avoid a (telegraphed) lunge then you're not far enough to ahead to not be taking defensive lines. You should have been further over to the right to not even give him/her a whiff of the opportunity you presented. Its all well and good taking optimal lines when you're clear in the lead but you can't really whinge when you're not defending properly.
Yeah, mostly op at fault here, watched entire video.
1:28 your fault
2:09 interesting you say you only slightly bump him but when someone does the same to you say it’s intentional. I didn’t see anything intentional all race, just poor driving.

And straights are for driving straight!
If you want to defend, pick a line and defend it. If you want to change lines then move once and then stay there. Weaving on the straight is not cool regardless of what you’re trying to achieve by doing so or the reasons used to justify weaving in the first place. Weaving under green flag conditions shows poor race craft.
No real world series would allow such poor driving. Can you imagine watching a race where all drivers felt such a lack of respect was acceptable?

Yes you got SR down, you were penalised and your race was ruined by a racing incident that cost you the win.
This happens ALL the time in real world motorsport. These things happen. Dust down, smile and move on.
Just be thankful that unlike the real world, your penalty doesn’t involve getting injured or having to get your car fixed.
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If you're not far enough ahead to avoid a (telegraphed) lunge then you're not far enough to ahead to not be taking defensive lines. You should have been further over to the right to not even give him/her a whiff of the opportunity you presented. Its all well and good taking optimal lines when you're clear in the lead but you can't really whinge when you're not defending properly.

is it a joke ?
Since when the diver is right and the guy that gets taken out is wrong ? are you spanish ?

At 1.28 the guy barely stays on track after pushing and sliding; if he did not use nuu's car, he would have been far in the grass, as he was way too fast. If he had slowed down enough to do his turn correctly, there would have been no need to "defend".

As for 6.48, both the blue and white 500 dived, he was the only one driving correctly.
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Racing Daily Race A. Total SR frustration all day.
:27 - Mr stig almost drove you off the track as well, he was going for a gap you were not coverinrg and just missed you but he avoided you pretty well. He just suffered the consequences as a result, so I don’t feel much sympathy for him tbh.

1:28 - The guy got a fair run you. You are not covering it enough. The rear end stepping out didn’t help. You lost even more time weaving around trying to break the slipstream before it went down.

4:20 - Does not look intentional to me. He is trying to keep his momentum up ans goofed it.

6:40 - Looks like he got hit by the blue car. But they both probably braked too late.

Sloppy driving by everyone there imho.
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Turn your radar on and you'll be much better placed to avoid contact. It's the number of contacts you had that gave you a red SR. The drivers with blue SR probably only had one or two contacts. You had loads.
I don't see how the OP is getting the blame. Weaving is lame but the driver behind isn't on his tail that hard at those points anyway. The 1:28 move is not the OP fault and got dived by 2nd place. If the OP wasn't there, then 2nd place couldn't have pulled that move off.

I was disappointed in the result for sr, that is wrong I feel.
What do you expect you are driving FIAT 500's on race A. Got to expect there will be some desperation driving I there.
Turn your radar on and you'll be much better placed to avoid contact. It's the number of contacts you had that gave you a red SR. The drivers with blue SR probably only had one or two contacts. You had loads.
Sorry, Fiat had not yet invented the radar back in '68... I drive a sim, not science fiction!

I show the three spots where I get SR- -- the theme is that IMHO none of them was deserved.
The (unnamed) winner had more contacts, but got away with it.

The 1:28 thing:
I admit, that I was slightly off pace into T2, otherwise he could not have bumped me.
but I did leave room on the inside, so a driver taking a reasonable line over the curb could have done so without contact...
And: Leader being off pace does not relieve the passer from the duty of staying clean/clear

What do you expect you are driving FIAT 500's on race A. Got to expect there will be some desperation driving I there.
Very good question.
I just expect the SR system to penalize lunges (i.e. desperation driving) so that people learn not to do it in the long run.
I expect that in a race where I drive my line as the leader, there is no reason whatsoever to give my SR-.
Yes, it is again the old discussion, just backing up with some video.
If I was not too lazy, I could dig out 15-20 more incidents of this race where the lunge at T2 or T6 cost me SR, instead of "blaming" it on the unsafe pass.
Sorry, Fiat had not yet invented the radar back in '68... I drive a sim, not science fiction!

Pretty sure the Fiat '68 didn't have ABS ;)

In all seriousness, the radar adds to your limited visibility that a game on a flat screen can give you. It helps with the spatial awareness that is lost, and as such is very useful for being aware of what is going on around you. I don't understand why people don't use it to be honest but each to their own.
You’re using a tachometer, see-through body panels, a digital speedometer and a track map with the position of all the cars updated in real time.

None of those are standard on the 1968 Fiat 500.

Pretty sure the Fiat '68 didn't have ABS ;)

In all seriousness, the radar adds to your limited visibility that a game on a flat screen can give you. It helps with the spatial awareness that is lost, and as such is very useful for being aware of what is going on around you. I don't understand why people don't use it to be honest but each to their own.
Pretty sure it didn't have HDR in that fiat also as well as the myriad of wheels available to use on a PS4 (circa 2013).
6:40 - I just don't understand why you took the wide late apex line on the last lap with two dangerous cars behind you like that. The finish line is at the beginning of the straight making maximum exit speeds less of an issue compared to position. You have to hog the inside down to a crawl and block to retain that sort of position on any potential dive bombers.

1:28 - I see this as a racing incident. You were going for a late apex turn and he was barging at the apex with a modest overlap. Wether his barge pass was legal or not, he established position on the inside and neither of you were willing to change your trajectory for one another.

This is honestly the source of most crashes on this game. It's two people trying to run hot laps on the same track without any adjustments or regard for other drivers on the track. You received the penalty because you were still turning inward during the impact so the system sees you as the aggressor. Running two wide through a turn the outer car needs to move to the outer edge of the track an not block the exit line of the inside car. The system doesn't acknowledge barge passing as a penalty so if someone gets to the inside of you, you need to be steering outward or get penalized. If you let them push you to the edge of the track and they run you off, they will sometimes get a penalty based on the track limits.

2:09 - Wasn't a minor bump because it took place on one of the two major corners of that track. You knocked him loose and he lost speed recovering his car. You didn't even gift him his position back here so this is probably why he dive bombs you on the last lap. If I would have done what you did here, I would have made a mental note on that blue car, expecting him to get revenge on a later lap. Even when it's an accident, you have to assume that other people think it's intentional. Make a practice of mentally logging how many drivers are pissed off at you during a race as it will make their behavior more predictable.
6:40 - I just don't understand why you took the wide late apex line on the last lap with two dangerous cars behind you like that. The finish line is at the beginning of the straight making maximum exit speeds less of an issue compared to position. You have to hog the inside down to a crawl and block to retain that sort of position on any potential dive bombers.

1:28 - I see this as a racing incident. You were going for a late apex turn and he was barging at the apex with a modest overlap. Wether his barge pass was legal or not, he established position on the inside and neither of you were willing to change your trajectory for one another.

This is honestly the source of most crashes on this game. It's two people trying to run hot laps on the same track without any adjustments or regard for other drivers on the track. You received the penalty because you were still turning inward during the impact so the system sees you as the aggressor. Running two wide through a turn the outer car needs to move to the outer edge of the track an not block the exit line of the inside car. The system doesn't acknowledge barge passing as a penalty so if someone gets to the inside of you, you need to be steering outward or get penalized. If you let them push you to the edge of the track and they run you off, they will sometimes get a penalty based on the track limits.

2:09 - Wasn't a minor bump because it took place on one of the two major corners of that track. You knocked him loose and he lost speed recovering his car. You didn't even gift him his position back here so this is probably why he dive bombs you on the last lap. If I would have done what you did here, I would have made a mental note on that blue car, expecting him to get revenge on a later lap. Even when it's an accident, you have to assume that other people think it's intentional. Make a practice of mentally logging how many drivers are pissed off at you during a race as it will make their behavior more predictable.

Thx for the well rounded answer.

Some comments:
6:40 They were 0.600 behind, so I saw no reason to defend the inside. Even if the were next to me, i liked the outside line better because of exit speed.
1:28 understood. have to leave more space in the future. Still think that "blame" (i.e. SR-) should be on the passer or at least equal, because he was way behind at turn in. (or rather my turn out and in;))
2:09 As mentioned, I would be fine with SR- in this instance, but did not receive any. Up to the system to decide, but if it was up to me this would be an obvious SR- but definitely not a penalty, because nothing was gained.
I don't think I have to let him pass, because my bump only helped him gain speed again.
Thx for the well rounded answer.
6:40 They were 0.600 behind, so I saw no reason to defend the inside. Even if the were next to me, i liked the outside line better because of exit speed.

I prefer the outside line as well but in your scenario I would have been expecting the blue car to dive on me there. You can see him on the inside line in your mirror and you already angered him once. On the last lap on that course, I would hog the inside line.

1:28 understood. have to leave more space in the future. Still think that "blame" (i.e. SR-) should be on the passer or at least equal, because he was way behind at turn in. (or rather my turn out and in;))

The system definitely needs some work. The key though is that it's monitoring both driver's steering inputs during an impact. Turning in on an inside driver will always yield a penalty for the outside driver. The inside driver used to get a -SR from inside contact but I think thats been gone for awhile now.

2:09 As mentioned, I would be fine with SR- in this instance, but did not receive any. Up to the system to decide, but if it was up to me this would be an obvious SR- but definitely not a penalty, because nothing was gained.
I don't think I have to let him pass, because my bump only helped him gain speed again.

Your bump didn't help anyone. His car is wiggling around after the impact, he's clearly scrubbing his speed to recover his car and you gained a position off of the hit. You don't "have to" let him pass but it's considered good etiquette to surrender a position if it's gained through an incident, especially if it's the only way to communicate fault during a race.

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