The whooooooooooole article went straight over your head.
I don't know about your "crime" thingy, I've never heard about Europe having so much less crime, in fact I've been lead to believe that it's worse.
I know cops who've never fired their weapon too.👍 Most around here don't. New York City is not America it's 17/300ths of America.
Most of America is small towns, spread out, in a geographical sense.
More importantly, what makes you think the poor are worse off in America? the article you just read stated otherwise, so if you disagree, please post a source now.
Do you think this doesnt exist in America?
Unlike this post, I'll admit, I don't live in Europe, so I can't say firsthand what the truth is (if is) in this.
But I can say, how exactly are you an expert in American crime? And who believes almost nobody gets shot in Europe? Why do I see pictures of humvees riddled with bullets from AK-47's in Motor Trend?
I'll sit on that till I see more.....
👍 👍 Duke.👍 nice work:tup:
I didn't really refer to the article, I don't know the author, but what I do know is, that you should be careful when reading statistics... of course this goes for both sides.
So what I want to say is, that comparing small scountries in Europe with the USA is very difficult and you can interprete statistics in a different way.
I don't know where to start, it is a very complex problem. Let's take the countless illegal immigrants for example. Taxes, prices etc etc alomst everything is different if you compare the Scandinavian countries and the States.
Crime rate : Well Europe is big and East Europe is not the middle of Europe.
Germany, Austria, Scandinavian countries, BeNeLux : I'd say it is safer to live these countries than in most places in the USA ( NY,LA,SF vs Berlin Stockholm Vienna etc, small villages are safe almost anywhere in the western world.)
I'm too tired to get to deep into all this now, the point is, that being shot in central Europe is almost impossible, of course you can go to the mafia, but whatever... I mean not just because of the income gap, there are so many other reasons, well, for example the small amount of firearms we have.
I am no expert in American crime and I don't get all my information from the internet, newspapers, TV etc
Ah I am really tired, maybe I post more tomorrow...