
  • Thread starter JohnBM01


21 years!
United States
Houston, Texas, USA
GTPlanet, provide your opinions about Individuality and the concepts thereof.
:odd: wow I'm kinda baffled by this one John... Not only is it shorter than short but it makes no sense whatsoever. Losing your touch? j/k
Well, how do you feel about individuality? Do you think people should be free to express themselves freely without causing any trouble? Do you think people need to be more respectful towards people who love to express themselves freely and not want them to be someone THEY want people to be? Individuality.
I'm not trying to be mean but seriously are you running out of topics to make up? As for individuality we all have it weither I like it or not, it's what makes us human and each "unique".
Originally posted by JohnBM01
Well, how do you feel about individuality? Do you think people should be free to express themselves freely without causing any trouble? Do you think people need to be more respectful towards people who love to express themselves freely and not want them to be someone THEY want people to be? Individuality.

I believe there is no such thing as pure individuality. You are always dependant upon others in some way in your choises and actions. No one is completely deattached from all other people.

Remember that deattachment from certain individuals is often seen as individuality. e.g. My parents want me to be a doctor but I want to be a mechanic instead. That makes me very individual. But what would that choise be without your parents opinions? (reversed influence?) And there is still a group, peers for example who still have a deep influence. So therefore the general talk about individuality is imo a lot of bull, We are always part of a social context that has a massive influence on us.
We should all express ourselves freely i agree, but sometimes our opinions may cause hurt and pain to other people. eg(You think sum1 is a gay pratt, and you tell him, of course he aint gonna take it lightly, you would be lucky to get away with a black eye) Therefore there is an extent to which individuality can go without discriminating against other people.

This should eventually lead us to tolerance of other peoples individuality, and if this was done problems such as sexism,racism etc wouldnt exist.