Inferior game to the REAL Gran Turismo of the past

  • Thread starter Davein619
United States
United States
Hello all,

I must say that in all the years since Gran Turismo 6 was released, Polyphony had plenty of time to make a game that was good. This game has NONE of the cars that made the past games brilliant, i.e. the Toyota Supras and Corollas, the Nissan Skylines, just to name a few of the hundreds of missing cars. Also, you cannot modify the cars at all like you could in the past GT Games. The graphics in the game are phenomenal, until you get to the track and start racing. They all fall apart... I have a nice 4K HDR tv and I am severely disappointed with the "in play" graphics. The driving physics also seem much better in GT 3 and 4 vs. GT Sport. Did Polyphony spend the last 3.5 years picking their asses then say, "Oh yeah, we have a game to make."? I am (or was) a huge GT fan and always criticized Forza for trying to be GT. Now maybe they have surpassed GT and have become the better game. Forza 7 has AT LEAST 5 times more cars than GT Sport. What a goddamn huge disappointment....
This is not a car collection game, it's about online racing and competition. PD has made that very clear since they announced it. Anyone who's expecting a GT7 type game is going to be disappointed.

If collecting cars is really that important to you then FM7 is the game to buy.
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In my opinion it's a boatload funner than all the other Gran turismo's, which i had a great time playing. Do the same old career mode 6 times over kind of gets boring after a while. I'm here for real competition and fun, my heart has never beat so hard in my life while playing a video game....

In my opinion, all the other turismos were fun for collecting and modifying cars but the AI was terrible. Probably why most people online right now think it's okay to take up lanes and block lines.
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In my opinion it's a boatload funner than all the other Gran turismo's, which u had a great time playing. Do the same old career mode 6 times over kind of gets boring after a while. I'm here for real competition and fun, my heart has never beat so hard in my life while playing a video game....

In my opinion, all the other turismos were fun for collecting and modifying cars but the AI was terrible. Probably why most people online right now think it's okay to take up lanes and block lines.

I didn't have to get on the treadmill today to raise the heart rate.
I got to start playing the game 10:00 my time and planed on playing it for an hour or so, about 2:30 in the morning I finally pulled myself away from my steering rig.... I think I might have gotten an hour of sleep by the time 7 came, just like in the demo, I was too alert and couldn't get to bed.....

Ended up getting a B in Driver rating and sportsmanship rating while racing drunk last night :-)...
Because a game with 1200 cars full of PS2 assets, engine that sound like rice cooker, A.I that acts like a road blocks, career mode that so bland, boring and uninspired is so much superior amirite. I'd rather take this "inferior game" anyday. I swear to god some GT fans are just blinded by nostalgia and can't move on and realize this is not 2004 anymore. Times change PD can't always rely on formula from 20 years ago. They made a new direction to work forward to with GTSport this is our GT1 of this generation.
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Exactly. I understand that this game isn't for everyone, but it's just weird to see everyone starting threads to whine about stuff. The game is pretty darn Polished in my opinion, there's some things I would like done but overall, well worth the $60 I spent.
I wish these forums were not being filled with new threads from new people complaining about issues we have known about for the last two years. Why have you just appeared? If you had contributed or viewed these forums before, you wouldn't need to come here complaining on day one.
New members posting new comments and/or threads is not an AUP issue, as such they are doing nothing wrong.

Nor is it a requirement of new members to be positive about a GT title. We are the largest GT community on the web, and as such when a new title comes out we will get new members, both positive and negative.

Some will stay a short time, some will stay a long time, all will take time to get used to the community and how it operates. A large part of what determines if they stay or not is how they are treated by existing members (all of whom were new at some point, and most of whom also made mistakes when they first posted).

As such you comments are neither constructive, welcoming or helpful.
New members posting new comments and/or threads is not an AUP issue, as such they are doing nothing wrong.

Nor is it a requirement of new members to be positive about a GT title. We are the largest GT community on the web, and as such when a new title comes out we will get new members, both positive and negative.

Some will stay a short time, some will stay a long time, all will take time to get used to the community and how it operates. A large part of what determines if they stay or not is how they are treated by existing members (all of whom were new at some point, and most of whom also made mistakes when they first posted).

As such you comments are neither constructive, welcoming or helpful.

Please don't be a hypocrite.
Because a game with 1200 cars full of PS2 assets, engine that sound like rice cooker, A.I that acts like a road blocks, career mode that so bland, boring and uninspired is so much superior amirite. I'd rather take this "inferior game" anyday. I swear to god some GT fans are just blinded by nostalgia and can't move on and realize this is not 2004 anymore. Times change PD can't always rely on formula from 20 years ago. They made a new direction to work forward to with GTSport this is our GT1 of this generation.

Nobody praised those bad elements from the past games, you know, the issues that we were all hoping to fix? Better sounds, better AI, all premiums. But instead what they do is "Screw all that! Let's make online like everyone else and bring the salt in!"
I take a good online mode any day
career mode is just boring after a while
i think this will be the perfect game for me
In my opinion one have to judge the game by what it wants to be, not by one want it to be.

GT Sport is mainly about the online multiplayer experience. No one is complaining about the Battlefield Single Player...

The critique of us, the gamer community, should focus on the multiplayer part.
Why just 3 sport events per day? What is the whole FIA license thing about? Can this really be a casual version iRacing with an active community in the long run?...
I wish these forums were not being filled with new threads from new people complaining about issues we have known about for the last two years. Why have you just appeared? If you had contributed or viewed these forums before, you wouldn't need to come here complaining on day one.

I've been on here since before 2004 and a member since...well, before you actually. I just never post at all. Never had a reason to, as I just lurked. That kinda tells you something. I've known about the limited car list for a long while now, but it's still unnerving. It just feels kinda weird to see some greats missing.
As the title says, Gran Turismo SPORT is not entirely about car collecting. I feel the cars in the game is plenty and am thrilled with each car earned. Also the AI is improved with enhanced online competition.
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Driving online kinda reminds me of driving in the Matrix, the cool effects the cars make when they ghost. Its done really well I think.
GT with Sport suffix is for online competition

That's why iRacing on PC Sim set the standard of oine racing and leagues with very small arsenal of cars.

So GTS is going to the same path paved by iRacing for online competition with dedicated servers
This game has NONE of the cars that made the past games brilliant, i.e. the Toyota Supras and Corollas, the Nissan Skylines, just to name a few of the hundreds of missing cars.
Guessing at there will be one free "apology" update+DLC at first, giving some random cars and then later they'll give us car set(s) from 80's and 90's, biggest hint for this is already in game, only pre 2000 car, Audi from 1987, it needs companion. But I'm betting at those will not come in free DLC. This will continue with refurbished real-life tracks from GT6 as DLC and maybe some new real-life tracks too, again not in form of free DLC. This cow milks well for long time, it will milk my wallet too and not complaining it. :lol:
I agree this game is a poor showing!! No excuse nowadays for a £50 game to not have comprehensive online and offline game modes! I agree the mechanics of the game are fantastic, it plays really well, but i found myself looking for things to do and the total lack of offline racing, cars, tracks, and modification abilities makes it feel like an add-on as opposed to a full game. As has been previously said, the lack of overall content in this game is terrible, waited years for this game and got bored of it within a couple of hours.
I agree.

Gran turismo up until maybe gt4-5 has been about the cars and modifying them having fun either in career mode or online racing with friends or random people

This was really a letdown, especially since they wait so long before releasing it.
Did anyone notice that you cant change your car in MP Lobby before a race. thats not gonna fly. you have to go out to your garage to change out cars. maybe they will fix this.
I agree with both sides if I'm honest. I am really enjoying GT Sport, the AI is much improved, the missions are fun and the online is great - but I too am disappointed with some of the staple 'Gran Turismo' cars not being in the game.

I would, personally, have liked to see a rotary powered car (either RX7 or RX8) as well as a skyline or two from the older generations.

I just hope that they add those kind of cars to the game as time goes by - I appreciate that this game isn't about collecting all of the cars in existence, but Gran Turismo was built on racing road cars in my mind. It would be a shame for them to leave that behind completely.
I'm not.

It's quite simple, if you think a member (new or old) has broken the AUP then report them.

What you don't do is take to a thread to tell them how they should or shouldn't post.

You should do your job and close threads created by people who have clearly jumped on the band wagon of GTS release. You would have closed many of these threads or directed people to the correct one just a few days ago. New users should be subject to the same implementation of the rules. That is why I suggest you are being a hypocrite.
You should do your job and close threads created by people who have clearly jumped on the band wagon of GTS release. You would have closed many of these threads or directed people to the correct one just a few days ago. New users should be subject to the same implementation of the rules. That is why I suggest you are being a hypocrite.
My job is determined by the site owner and not by you.

If you have an issue with any post then use the report button and the staff will act upon it. If you disagree with moderation then PM a member of the admin team or the site owner.

Its not a discussion for this thread or any other one, and if you don't like the direction a thread takes then feel free to either ignore it or take the routes outlined above.