Inform People About Music (Read OP)Music 

United States
Southeast MI
The purpose of this thread is to educate myself and other on a wide variety of music. I will admit it, I am ignorant when it comes to music. I just don't see the talent in most forms of music, like rap or dubstep. There must be something to it. That's why I posted this so myself and other alike can become informed.

Every genre should be discussed. Rock, rap, jazz, pop, every genre and subgenre known to man.

I really appreciate every post. Please keep the discussion respectful and educated. Don't simply say something because of your opinion on what sounds better.
In response to the OP, Rap and Dubstep is not 'most forms of music'.

In regards to talent there are two kinds in music, technical and emotional.
A technical musician will stand a very good chance of getting hired as a session musician, and will be able to play extremely complex pieces with relative ease. They will, however, struggle as a composer.
An emotional musician may lack the ability to play complex pieces, particularly if they have not composed them themself. They will, however, often make for a highly talented composer, even though they can't read music and would struggle to get through many songs by other composers in one piece. Funnily enough, it is often far preferable to hear the emotional musician struggle through than the technical sail, however, a happy medium must be reached, otherwise you'll just wind up with a series of unpleasant crunching noises or a soulless stroll through the piece.
Making a dubstep tune is not so much a talent or a skill like playing an instrument (although it is very difficult to make it sound good). A lot of what roots dubstep was created around was sound system culture, and dubstep was a great way to show these systems off with a massive rolling sub-bassline.

As time progressed the tunes were better produced and had much more musicality with catchy lead synths. The sound was explored by individual artists each having their own unique take on what dubstep was to them and the scene flourished with many different elements of other genres thrown in by artists with a background in that genre. Experimentation and a lack of a set formula (except for about 140bpm and half step) led to some more commercially oriented sounds that were thrust into the mainstream as a fresh and new genre of music.

To me, dubstep will always be a large dark room full of like minded people with their heads down and subwoofers pounding through your entire body. Pure enjoyment of the music itself without the need for distractions.

Tl;dr. It's more about emotion and leaving people in a sense of awe than technicality.