Infrared Photography

Anyone tried this? I just modified my Dmc-FX01 (first time) and removed the IR blockr. i made a homemade 3 layer color negative filter, its REAL cool, i look forward to becoming the underware police :D ALSO, its better to Maunual Focus cause auto focus doesnt work well with this mod... :grumpy:
lol, theres many youtube vids hat show how to make it.

To make a filter

To remove the in camera IR blocker
I had to Get to my cameras sensor from the back.

If you screw up modding your cam, ITS NOT MY FAULT :D
I did it to my cam, went well, when i wrapped it all up, there were some odd shaped sides to it :D BUT ITS WORTH IT!!!

My first two shots.Both autofocused, have no MF option.
No haven't tried this but am keen on IR photography. I just don't want to screw my camera up. But I've seen some pretty awesome IR stuff does make me want to try it.

Can't you just use a lens filter? I thought I saw something a while back where you can get IR filter, you essentially end up shooting blind but if you set the shot up before you put the lens on then you cna frame it right. Bit teadious though.
Yeah, its what ill do w/ my t1i, CANT lose my ti1 :)
i make a filter for my small cam too so it blocks out visible light leaving me with pure infrared.

I'm definitely going to try and get into some IR stuff in the future. :)

if you end up with any nice shots from your setup i'd be keen to see how you go supersquirrel.
so what makes IR different from a plain black and white photo?
Because it is picking up IR only, things that appear dark to us may appear light in IR and vice versa. This allows for some nice effects. And your night shots will look different as well.
Its awesome.
And it picks up heat signatures instead of light.
Uhm no, it's still light that gets picked up. ;) Just a frequency we can't see.
Because it is picking up IR only, things that appear dark to us may appear light in IR and vice versa. This allows for some nice effects. And your night shots will look different as well.
Uhm no, it's still light that gets picked up. ;) Just a frequency we can't see.
Anything above our visible light spectrum is heat though, its not quite far enough out of our visible range to be used as thermal imaging AFAIK. It's a moot point really even sound can be described as light.
Not bad Boz Mon, going old school with film. The tombstone was quite nice.

I like the way tree's come white in IR, pretty cool.
Anything above our visible light spectrum is heat though, its not quite far enough out of our visible range to be used as thermal imaging AFAIK. It's a moot point really even sound can be described as light.

What??? sound is a longitudinal wave while light is transverse, they are completely different... Sound needs a medium to travel through while light doesnt and its relative.

light does not turn into heat when out of your visible range, its just a different frequency. "Light", x-ray, infrared, radio, microwave, are all electromagnetic waves.

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