Victor Vance 1,795 Sep 8, 2004 #1 My first. Anyone like?
toyomatt84 7,965 Sep 9, 2004 #2 Not bad on the bottom half, but the top section is just obnoxious with all that type. Way too busy for a wallpaper that I'd use.
Not bad on the bottom half, but the top section is just obnoxious with all that type. Way too busy for a wallpaper that I'd use.
lethalAE86typeR 1,198 Sep 9, 2004 #3 i like the wall paper. But i think the FC didnt have to be covered up. Because that was one was of Takumi's Big races. O well, your the one that made it. but still i think its very cool how u put the Engine Specs!
i like the wall paper. But i think the FC didnt have to be covered up. Because that was one was of Takumi's Big races. O well, your the one that made it. but still i think its very cool how u put the Engine Specs!
Victor Vance 1,795 Sep 10, 2004 #4 toyomatt84 Not bad on the bottom half, but the top section is just obnoxious with all that type. Way too busy for a wallpaper that I'd use. Click to expand... Note taken. Of course, you can just black it out in PSP8.
toyomatt84 Not bad on the bottom half, but the top section is just obnoxious with all that type. Way too busy for a wallpaper that I'd use. Click to expand... Note taken. Of course, you can just black it out in PSP8.
toyomatt84 7,965 Sep 10, 2004 #5 Well, why would I want to black that out, I'd rather just have what was there in the original pic.