Initial D: Keisuke's FD (REMAKE)

Initial D: Keisuke's FD (REMAKE)

United States
My House
Halcyon925 submitted a new tune:

Initial D: Keisuke's FD (REMAKE) - Initial D

This is my version of Keisuke's FD from Initial D. I tried to make it as closely as possible to the one in the show. The FD I used for this is the 'RX-7 Spirit R Type A (FD) '02'.

This FD is an amazing car to drive; with it's responsive handling, good acceleration, and with no understeer or oversteer, this makes out to be one hell of a car! You can even floor it when coming out of sharp corners and not spin out.

I did not make this for a certain PP class, so if you want...

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