Initial D

  • Thread starter 187


Hey I never saw a Initial D Siries thats why I wanted to ask if anyone has an FTP server where i can get some.
I asked Jubula days ago but Mistax has none.
Originally posted by 187
Hey I never saw a Initial D Siries thats why I wanted to ask if anyone has an FTP server where i can get some.
I asked Jubula days ago but Mistax has none.

Oh :( He must have gotten rid of his ftp then, no?
as PSone freak said, try kazaa lite. they have it all in there. I dont know any ftp... and believe, I search for a lot of anime. mmmh lemme see if some page that had it is still online.

EDIT: nope, some year ago itwas squished. sorry man.
Try this kazaa lite (or atleast check the site ;)

It searches for a lot MORE files than the other kazaas. It certainly helped me to get my initial D episodes (got them all :D)! On the other kazaa lite it would take about a week per episode. Now it only takes about an hour 'cause it can find a lot of users to ensure a sweet download speed.

hope this helps!

I got it all... hahaha a friend of mine gave it to me :) so no downloading nor anything like that. sweet :D
