Initial torque?

  • Thread starter stratotone
I'd like to hear some tuners definitions of what this really does....I understand accel and decel but this one is kinda confusing.I've read the definition of it about 10 times but am still having a hard time getting my head around it.I understand it's the torque nesessary to activate it.I guess I'll start thinking of it as some sort of adjustable clutch type setting.
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I think it's somewhere along the lines of the "always on" function of the LSD. From my understanding of it, in real life, the accel and decel settings would always be set higher than this value, though the game implementation doesn't appear to be that specific. Someone with greater knowledge can cue in and correct me.
It allows you to corner into a turn at a higher angle while coasting. More "over" steer into the corner with lower settings.

Acceleration settings control the oversteer out of or through a corner when accelerating, and braking works the same way when using the brake.

If your car doesn't give you enough cornering angle when accelerating out, lower the acceleration settings to the point where you can control the throttle without spinning out. If your car loses cornering angle when braking or slowing down into a corner, lower this setting to the point where you don't lose traction doing so. Initial torque should be set to where you can coast through a corner at the highest possible speed without losing traction. This is for FR and MR cars. FF and AWD cars are different.

Basically lower settings let you steer at a sharper angle, at the risk of losing traction. Find the balance between a high angle of cornering and stability.
Thanks...I usually use stock diff for FWD and lately I'm using an old trick from Fumes for AWD which is stock diff and messing with F/R balance or I just go 5/25/5 10/40/15 and tweak it from there.
Seems about right, I find lower settings for Initial and Decel work best for FF drive cars. Typical 7/15/7 or very low values, etc. Tuning for 4WD can be similar to FF but keep in mind the split on the front to rear torque to using 30/70 you can go softer on the front but with 50/50 then you need to go a little higher on front. So for generic 4WD with 30/70 torque split I might go 7/12/9 on front and 11/19/14 on the rear.
I think it helps a little to visualize how an LSD works in real life. An LSD consists of a series of clutch plates that look something like this:


The values you adjust in the game indicate how firmly these plates press together in under various circumstances. The initial value is how tightly they're packed when the unit is at rest or travelling at a constant speed. When you press either the accelerator or the brake, there is a small pin or cam that moves either fore or aft in an angled slot, which looks like this:


This presses the plates even tighter together when you accelerate or decelerate. When you adjust the acceleration and braking value in the game you're altering the geometry of this process. A steeper angle means more lock and vice versa. This also explains why the acceleration and deceleration should never be lower than the initial, as the cam can only increase the pressure, never decrease it.