"Installation Artist" brings West London to a standstill with art bombs...

  • Thread starter Famine


GTP Editor, GTPEDIA Author
United Kingdom
Rule 12
In a particularly intelligent move, less than 10 months after London's July bombings, an "installation artist" managed to bring a complete lockdown on West London.

Several boxes, decorated with roses and nails, and "strategically placed" by the artist were reported as suspicious packages, leading to massive police and bomb squad presence.

The 36 year old woman was arrested for "causing a public nuisance".

Ars artia gratis indeed.
A clear example of the trade between freedom and safety.

Wasn't it Patrick Henry who said "Give me absolute safety, or give me death."
And the terrorists win another round through fear.
Several years ago, somebody left ceramic pigs all over the city. They were surely laced with explosives, but nobody bothered to check. Thank you, Department of Homeland Security.
And the terrorists win another round through fear.

Unfortuantly, your right, and I think you'll continue to be right for as long as we live. I don't see this fear of everything out of the ordinary leaving us anytime within our life times. :indiff:
when i was in London last year a large part of Mayfair was closed by the bomb squad. Turns out some woman, while waiting in the queue at the American Embassy, decided she needed to pee. In order to keep her place in the queue she left her hold-all and nipped off to answer the call of nature.

The police quickly eyed the package, shouted around if anyone owned it. No one owned up and the whole area was closed off for 2 hours. I saw the whole thing. Bomb squad was there within a few minutes and displosed of the bag...police everywhere, guns, helicopters...you name it.

The crazy woman was in a lot of trouble for wasting police time...i dont think she could read the huge sign 'Do not leave baggage unattanded' ...she was eastern European i believe.

This was two weeks before the London bombings....the police reaction time was staggeringly quick.