Insurance questions....

:mad: My parents are getting me a car :D but they have a whole bunch of little "must haves" that the car has to fall under. For instance my insurance can only be around 130 bucks a month. And that sucks!, because everything i want has a high premium.

like, i wanted a camaro, well it's got a v6 in it, so my parents told me i can't get it.

I don't know jack about insurance, so I was wondering if there was a site that would tell me how high the premiums would be for me. Like a ball-park figure, because i doubt there's one for my parents insurance group. unless there is.....It's Farmer's Auto Insurance, if anyone knows a specific site for that.

or for that matter, maybe someone here knows just off head how much insurance is for certain cars. i dunno but my question still stands.

And, does anyone know a low insurance car that I could pick up for 10,000???? And it must be newer, and low insurance, and for me it has to look somewhat cool.

Thanks for the help
Originally posted by infallible
:mad: My parents are getting me a car :D but they have a whole bunch of little "must haves" that the car has to fall under. For instance my insurance can only be around 130 bucks a month. And that sucks!, because everything i want has a high premium.

like, i wanted a camaro, well it's got a v6 in it, so my parents told me i can't get it.

I don't know jack about insurance, so I was wondering if there was a site that would tell me how high the premiums would be for me. Like a ball-park figure, because i doubt there's one for my parents insurance group. unless there is.....It's Farmer's Auto Insurance, if anyone knows a specific site for that.

or for that matter, maybe someone here knows just off head how much insurance is for certain cars. i dunno but my question still stands.

And, does anyone know a low insurance car that I could pick up for 10,000???? And it must be newer, and low insurance, and for me it has to look somewhat cool.

Thanks for the help

Ok here is the deal with insurance costs:

1. If you put collision on a vehicle (The thing that gives you money to fix your car if YOU hit someone) That will be dependant upon the car you buy, the year of the car, the color and other things.
2. If you put only on liability (Required, if you hit someone, it pays for their car, their injuries ect.) it is much less. The last quote I got was around $1500-2000 US (2500-3000) Per year (@19). This means that you can have any car you want, just if you hit someone, it will pay for them, not you.
3.Fire/Theft is according to your car again, and is a flat rate for the car no matter your age ect. Last quote I got was around 50-100US a year. This pays for you vehicle in event of a theft. I believe if it is in a garage, it is also covered under your house insurance.
4.Winshield. This is if a rock breaks you windshield, ect. It is VERY EXPENSIVE!!!! DON'T GET THIS!

So, if your camero is under 7 or so grand, I wouldn't put collision on it, there is no point if you are a good driver. Just DONT GET INTO AN ACCIDENT!!!!

Much of the time however, the repair bill is under what you would have paid in a year. It is really up to you and your parents! Acutally, my insurance company said they would register and insure me with a porsche 911 on liability for the same price as a saab :odd: :odd:
Well I'm not sure about US :USA: policies but here in the UK :uk: you can save loads of money if your Parent registers the car as their's.....then you go on their insurance as a second driver.....

Also look for cars such as :honda: Civics that are fast yet low insurance groups...

Remember anythin with a badge costs more to insure: :gtr: , Type :r:, GTI etc....

Also it is well worth taking advanced driving tests as most insurers recognise them as additional driving experience which should save more cash, and it's fun to.....:lol:

It may be a pain but if you can resist getting a powerful car till you have some no claims... you will save so much money :2cents: on insurance that when you do get a V6 or something it'll be a good one.....:gcar:

Remember Insurance Companies hate young drivers so kiss there as* with...''Oh I don't drive much'' and ''I passed my test first time''etc... to actually get them to insure you....(Some companies refuse young drivers these days) Shocking

Hope that Helps.....Good look and a final around for a good quote....
Originally posted by alexy2k
Well I'm not sure about US :USA: policies but here in the UK :uk: you can save loads of money if your Parent registers the car as their's.....then you go on their insurance as a second driver.....

Also look for cars such as :honda: Civics that are fast yet low insurance groups...

Remember anythin with a badge costs more to insure: :gtr: , Type :r:, GTI etc....

Also it is well worth taking advanced driving tests as most insurers recognise them as additional driving experience which should save more cash, and it's fun to.....:lol:

It may be a pain but if you can resist getting a powerful car till you have some no claims... you will save so much money :2cents: on insurance that when you do get a V6 or something it'll be a good one.....:gcar:

Remember Insurance Companies hate young drivers so kiss there as* with...''Oh I don't drive much'' and ''I passed my test first time''etc... to actually get them to insure you....(Some companies refuse young drivers these days) Shocking

Hope that Helps.....Good look and a final around for a good quote....

Civics are NOT CHEAP in north america. Everyone expects you to "fast and furious" your civic so they charge extra for the japanese econoboxes.
Originally posted by infallible
:mad: My parents are getting me a car :D but they have a whole bunch of little "must haves" that the car has to fall under. For instance my insurance can only be around 130 bucks a month. And that sucks!, because everything i want has a high premium.

like, i wanted a camaro, well it's got a v6 in it, so my parents told me i can't get it.

And, does anyone know a low insurance car that I could pick up for 10,000???? And it must be newer, and low insurance, and for me it has to look somewhat cool.

Thanks for the help
Okay, the parents are getting you a car, be happy.
My son and I have a deal. He pays the insurance, I bought the car.
If your parents are doing the paying for everything, abide by their rules and be happy you aren't in the Schwinn pool.

As for suggestions for a car. A late model Mitsu Eclipse. A fairly sporty ride and heavy enough to hold its own in an accident.

A used Ford Focus or Escort ZX-2. Both are popular and not too expensive for a car only a year or so old. You want to look for reliability too.
Another option is to check consumer reports for models that you like. You can also use the magazine as "ammo". Show your parents the cars that "fit into your parameters and have good safety and reliability ratings. They will give you props for being so smart and informed.
Cause you know they are thinking safe, not cool.
If they had their way you would be in a 1975 Buick Electra. 4500 lbs of American iron that can be dropped off a cliff and not be too much worse for the wear.
Originally posted by Deathhawk

Civics are NOT CHEAP in north america. Everyone expects you to "fast and furious" your civic so they charge extra for the japanese econoboxes.

Yes I know what you mean about Civics ain't being cheap in any way. I insured my Civic with the mods cause I didn't want to get screwed over.
Ok calm down, I didn't know you get screwed for owning a :honda: Civic in North America!! gee so I made a mistake........only trying to help :argue:

Well a Civic would be cheaper than a V6 camaro...surely? :confused:
It really depends. There are many different types of Civics and many years available. If he wants anything newer than '98, and at least an EX, it should be around $10,000. Hondas hold their resale value very well.
Deathhawk, as always, is right on (we've got some smart members here).

Collision insurance is not required, and if you drive well, or have a car that is nearly worthless (such as a car under $5000) it is unnecessary.

I've got collision for my ML430. Liability insurance is required (i.e. don't get it, don't get plates). It wasn't until Ron Reagan's wife got all "no federal highway funds" with the states. Point is, tell your parents to only get liability, frankly, unless they're safety freaks (then look at Volvo).

Also, my car suggestion: Chevrolet Cavalier. ;)
Don't get me wrong, i'm absolutely ecstatic that they are buying me the car. Thanks for the help, one more question

today I looked at a 77 camaro LT with a 350 turbo in it. Can anyone give me a ball park premium on this car??