Interest Check: Track design competetions

  • Thread starter Blake


NSW, Australia
Ok, this is just to throw around an idea I had. How about a weekly track design competition. Each week you'd be given certain restrictions, e.g. street course, change a current circuit and I've got plenty of other ideas. Anyway, who would be interested in such a thing?

I'm slightly interested. If I knew how to use programs like photoshop better, I'd be alot more interested.
Could be quite interesting.... You wouldn't need to do it in Photoshop. Any vector drawing program would be good.

In the set-up for your proposed comp what would be the requirements?

Should a 'drivers line' be added?

Would you have a top and side view (with elevations)?

How in depth would you go? (Basic track layout or include indications for rumble strips, tire barriers, etc.).

Would you have entrants indicate (with copy) what the 'feeling' of certain track areas are? eg. ... a 5 degree downhill 1.5 Km slope, top speeds to 210 KM. Break hard late at bottom of slope, down to 2nd gear into hairpin...
i would play i have made some now
the red bit are missed ou t but cold be in a lnger version of the track

th 1st one is based on Tskubata


Mr. Toad
Could be quite interesting.... You wouldn't need to do it in Photoshop. Any vector drawing program would be good.

In the set-up for your proposed comp what would be the requirements?

Should a 'drivers line' be added?

Would you have a top and side view (with elevations)?

How in depth would you go? (Basic track layout or include indications for rumble strips, tire barriers, etc.).

Would you have entrants indicate (with copy) what the 'feeling' of certain track areas are? eg. ... a 5 degree downhill 1.5 Km slope, top speeds to 210 KM. Break hard late at bottom of slope, down to 2nd gear into hairpin...
You could even do it in paint, just be quite time consuming. I used to do some track designs in paint back in 2003.

These are a few of my old 'paint' ones.

You can go into as much, or as little detail as you would want with the pictures. It would mainly be layout that mattered, but of course the artistic side would obviously have an effect on the voting.

Personally I'd prefer if people wrote some details of the track: rough length, some corner descriptions and maybe a descriptions of a lap of the track.

You could even do it in paint, just be quite time consuming. I used to do some track designs in paint back in 2003.

These are a few of my old 'paint' ones.

You can go into as much, or as little detail as you would want with the pictures. It would mainly be layout that mattered, but of course the artistic side would obviously have an effect on the voting.

Personally I'd prefer if people wrote some details of the track: rough length, some corner descriptions and maybe a descriptions of a lap of the track.


It's a cool idea. I'd like to try my hand at it.
As for your Fantasy track (Moscowraceway) If that was GT4 I'd be in the sand at 'Sandy corner' everytime (I'm always way late in the braking) :D Not sure about the Sharp Esses though, looks like the first corner is a three point turn!

If I can find some time this week I'll give it a go. 👍
I would love one of these comps to happen I have a lot of track idea's in my mind, I would also draw them by hand.
Ok, we have 6 people that are at least slightly interested, I'll start a few competitions and see how things go.
