International experts seek bird flu solutions at Paris meeting (AFP)

A bird flu epidemic is a scary prospect, but I know from firsthand sources that the major flu-vaccine manufacturers have been taking precautions and are testing previously held strains of bird-flu to create new vaccines to deal with the mutated strain which previous antibodies will ignore, are presently in pre-production.

The major obstacle in a bird-flu vaccine is that is cannot be grown and multiplied in genetically manipulated chicken eggs like the normal flu vaccines are, since the bird-flu is lethal to birds, and hence their eggs.

The actions of a few extremely dumb & blinkered animal rights activists in trying to prevent the abuse of a few chicken eggs, if they had their way, could ultimately lead to the prevention of finding a suitable vaccine for an enormously lethal virus, and the eradication of many millions of human beings, such as in the 1918 flu epidemic.