Invitations and Rewards

United States
United States
Logged 294 hours in GT7 as of 4.9.24 and the ONLY 2 Invitations I've received EVERY time I get one are Pagani and Aston Martin. I'm not talking got Pagani once or twice, but probably closer to 10 or 11, AM probably 6 or 7. Never a Ferrair, Bugatti, Lamborghini, Citroen, etc.

On that note, why the Parts Roulette? Those rewards are less than nothing since you can't sell the part or new engine, they're mostly for the AE 86 or Safety cars, or I have the part already. So much of the reward system is USELESS and more of a punishment for playing this game.

Shame on me for coming back and believing Polyphany and Kaz cared about their primary funding pool: Gamers. Ah well, might as well log another 300 hours in hopes I get 20 more Pagani invitations and 3 more AE 86 camshaft.

P.S. Been a GT player since 99 when I got GT1 with a friend. It was fun, cutting edge, and was rewarding. 2 and 3 grew up well, and 4 was mostly amazing except for some mismatched races with cool rides like E Tpye Jags and such. It's like watching a friend wither away when you know they have so much potential if they'd just apply themselves.
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I got four different ones a while back within a month, at which point I'd already bought all the invite cars without too much of a problem.


If you've had that many invites and you've only had two manufacturers that's amazingly bad luck... or you're not accurately conveying the problem.

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