iPhone App Crash Problem

  • Thread starter colepepper
I seem to be having some issues with frequent crashing of the application on my 4th generation iPod touch. The app usually crashes while attempting to open certain threads. Once the app crashes while opening a particular thread it continues to crash on opening attempts of that same thread. I have tried restarting the app and the iPod itself but no luck. I am hoping for any advice that could help stabilize the app. Also on a side note I have been getting something called Parse Errors (I believe that's what it was called) on some thread openings especially on Adrenaline's Tune Database. I have clicked "Report" on the pop up multiple times a few days ago but still am getting the same error message. Any help is much appreciated. Thanks.
There's nothing I can really recommend, though any specific information you could provide about exactly which threads produce problems for you may be helpful. Make sure you are using the latest version of the app available (1.4.9).
Well the one thread that I know off the top of my head would be the list of cars received from certain tickets thread (the sticky one in the GT5 Q&A Sub-forum) causes a crash. There are others that caused the same problem but I cannot remember what they were at the moment. However if I remember correctly a number of the problematic threads were stickies (I may be wrong on this though). Also I checked and I am running the current version.
Apps crash when there isn't enough RAM left.
So turn absolutely everything you can off (from the multitask bar).

If you're not jailbroken, then you should close your iPod, leave it for 5 minutes off, and then start it up again. (Because the RAM doesn't clear instantly).

If you are jailbroken, then you have too many things running in the background.

I'm using my iPT4 to type this. :-)
Apps crash when there isn't enough RAM left.
So turn absolutely everything you can off (from the multitask bar).

If you're not jailbroken, then you should close your iPod, leave it for 5 minutes off, and then start it up again. (Because the RAM doesn't clear instantly).

I just tried this and it worked! I did not know that the amount of time the iPod was left off had any effect. However the iPod does still seem to struggle to bring up threads with a lot of content. I have also lowered the number of threads/posts loaded to help performance further.

EDIT: The iPod app still crashes occasionally. This does seem to be a lack of power on the iPod's part and not a fault with the app itself.
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EDIT: The iPod app still crashes occasionally. This does seem to be a lack of power on the iPod's part and not a fault with the app itself.

I concord. My App blacked out 2 posts after this one.
It's just the iPT4's lack of RAM. It's 3rd gen counterpart has the same amount of Total RAM, but has more Free because in ours, the FaceTime app still runs in the background, regardless if your FaceTime is fully off.

As for it taking time to dump the memory, I found that out with an iPT3 when I had a problem with it, read a suggestion online that specified to leave it off for a few minutes; so I deducted this conclusion myself.