iPod wallpaper help needed - Pioneer plaque

  • Thread starter CarBastard
Today I got into a bit of Wiki-browsing and decided to get a name and to learn more about that awesome plaque with the supposedly simplest language possible designed for outer-earthly beings to understand. Now I know it's called "Pioneer plaque" and looks something like this.


It's all very interesting, and has motivated me a lot of thoughts so I wanted to carry it around me all day long as a wallpaper in my iPod touch. Trouble is, there's not a 320 x 480 (this is the iPod wallpaper size right?) version of the image anywhere to be found around the interwebz. I tried with Office picture manager and MS paint (:dunce:) to no avail either.

So, I'm reccuring to my home in the net: GTPlanet, where I know several image editing and picture taking gurus live. Please guys, help me out here. Can anybody sort me out with a good-looking version of this image in iPod wallpaper size?

And if anyone knows more about the plaque and it's more complicated sibling, the Voyager Golden Record, I'd be very happy to hear something new!!!

Greetings and thanks in advance!!! :gtpflag:
You will never make that work out for an iPod Touch wallpaper, horizontal images don't work out on vertical screens.

Someone will probably do it, but it won't look right.
You will never make that work out for an iPod Touch wallpaper, horizontal images don't work out on vertical screens.

Someone will probably do it, but it won't look right.

Yup, I feared that :guilty:.

Could there be any way to superimpose the bit of the human diagram in the background of the solar system (?) diagram and shorten the distance between the planets?

I could give some GT5 cars/tickets/paints/museum cards in exchange if it's too much asking :guilty:.
Did you have something like this in mind?


If not, things can easily be tweaked around a bit.
I guess the engineers and scientists didn't really take into consideration how it would look on smart phone screens :lol:

Heres my effort,


Thanks a lot guys!!! Both are exactly what I wanted, thanks for the time it took you to do it :).

What are your PSNs so I can send you something in return? What about some chrome paint chips or a Mc F1?
No problem CarBastard :)👍

Thanks for your generous offer but I don't own GT5, I know... shock horror! :sly:
