Iranian Oil Bourse - The imminent collapse of the US Dollar, has Chinese backing.

The impending opening of the Iranian International Oil Bourse (IOB), set to commence trading next week on the island nation of Kish, strongly increases the chances of an imminent nuclear American-Israeli strike on Iranian nuclear and financial facilities. The electronic oil bourse, much discussed by terrorism expert Webster Tarpley, appears ready to launch in the coming weeks or even days. Because it will offer oil in euros, it may trigger the rapid collapse of the U.S. dollar.

read on...

That's all I can say for this story. That Iran's financial positioning would trigger a US attack is the worst kind of lie.

That's all I can say for this story. That Iran's financial positioning would trigger a US attack is the worst kind of lie.

translated into english: i dont like this idea, therefore i shall derate it.

wake up! or should that be GROW UP?

The debate over the ultimate financial impact of trading oil in Euros rather than dollars is a complex one, but according to many experts, such a move could lead to a collapse in value for the American currency, potentially putting the U.S. economy in its greatest crisis since the depression era of the 1930s.

different source..
translated into english: i dont like this idea, therefore i shall derate it.

Hmmm.... you call my country the great Satan, I claim that the notion is retarded. I don't see a problem there.

The debate over the ultimate financial impact of trading oil in Euros rather than dollars is a complex one, but according to many experts, such a move could lead to a collapse in value for the American currency, potentially putting the U.S. economy in its greatest crisis since the depression era of the 1930s.

different source..

Aljazeera... nice. We're not going to attack Iran because they could hurt us financially. We'll attack Iran enforce their agreement not to produce nuclear capability.
Hmmm.... you call my country the great Satan, I claim that the notion is retarded. I don't see a problem there.

i dont remember calling your country anything...

Aljazeera... nice. We're not going to attack Iran because they could hurt us financially. We'll attack Iran enforce their agreement not to produce nuclear capability.

not according to international media...

Aljazeera will give you an inbiased view of whats happening in the Middle East. Like Faux news gives an unbiased view of the US, sources you have cited numerous times, i dont see a problem there..
i dont remember calling your country anything...

Oh I see. So you didn't mean anything when you said the US will kill people to preserve our financial stability right? Got it. Nothing personal, we're just evil.

Aljazeera will give you an inbiased view of whats happening in the Middle East. Like Faux news gives an unbiased view of the US, sources you have cited numerous times, i dont see a problem there..

Does "inbiased" mean "biased"? There's nothing wrong with citing Aljazeera per se, just keep in mind that "freedom of the press" isn't exactly rampant over there. Over here, people don't get their hands chopped off for being sacriligious. Over here, people don't get shot if they piss off the guy in charge.

Fox news is biased, as are all news sources. But at least we can be certain of their motivations... money. That motivation is exactly what will keep them honest (stop scratching your head and let it go, I know you don't understand capitalism). The motivation to "not die" isn't exactly one that delivers unbiased reporting.
Does "inbiased" mean "biased"? There's nothing wrong with citing Aljazeera per se,

Its unbiased. A typo.

well as unbiased as Faux anyway which was my point.

as as side note:

i dont think the US is evil. I think your administration is motivated by money (oil) while not a problem in the media this shouldnt be motivation for war. If the USD is replaced by the Euro as the main currency for oil you wont be praising Herr Chimpenfurher so much.

btw, type in the search phrase 'chimp' into Google and your leader comes up in position 1 and position 2. (of 16 million websites)

google works on keyword relevence.

figure that out...
TurboSmoke (oil) while not a problem in the media this shouldnt be motivation for war.

On that we can agree.

btw, type in the search phrase 'chimp' into Google and your leader comes up in position 1 and position 2. (of 16 million websites)

Does this make you feel smart?

That's all I can say for this story. That Iran's financial positioning would trigger a US attack is the worst kind of lie.

:) :) :) :)

This is like one of the newest oldest conspiracy / Chomskism/ retardedness to be passed around....and has been around for a while on the net and been debunked adnauseam...but like a vampire it will not die ...:)

Ahhh it must be nice to leave the planet and cloud surf ...but remember to come back to the ground once in a while .:)

Ask yourself a very simple question.. China owns the US national debt what happens to China if the US dollar is forced into the toilet ?

you think they are willing to have their economy go back into the stone age ... "for who for what ? " I quote Ricky Waters ..
Ask yourself a very simple question.. China owns the US national debt what happens to China if the US dollar is forced into the toilet ?


nothing, we are talking about oil trading. China is backing this idea remember. If the US dollar collapses it wont be the end of the world. It wont be the end of China, it will probably be the making of it. China is set to become the worlds dominant ecomony, the dollars days are numbered. I am sure China has plans in place to deal with it when it happens.
China has the potential to be an economic power, but does the government want to do that? Would they want to deal with all the attention and criticism they'd get? They did do something with interest rates or something to halt growth a while back.
That's highly debatable.

Yeah... who's to say they aren't dominant already? :lol:

China's been trying to lock off oil suppliers left and right all year. Not surprising if they have a deal with Iran.
I don't think they are considered "dominant", yet. There's only one country in the world that fits that description IMO. ;) Not talking about the "economic power", but size-wise, are Chinese economy in like top-5 now? I would guess that they will be the #2, behind the U.S. in another decade or two. But I disagree on China becoming the world's dominant economy, because I don't think the Chinese have the experience to beat the U.S. in business, nor enough connections. I could be wrong. Maybe money will talk, or maybe rest of the world might be weary of the Americans having major influences around the world.

Chinese have surprised me so far. They've really done their homework, and you can tell that they are planning their every step very carefully. Darn, I'm off-topic again!
:lol: like the new sig... Oh well, Famine (as of last count, 1001 sigs), me... 1. :lol:

But the Chinese are really on the offensive, industrially, and part of their president's last diplomatic mission was to secure the oil for that industrial development.

I'm not sure whether or not the bubble will burst on them, but the Chinese economy is robust, and unlike Russia, they're efficient enough, despite a corrupt system, to make a lot of what they have.
Thank you! Thank you! :cool:

Chinese' more direct leadership by their government has it's own merits and demerits, I'm sure. I think it would be an insult to the Chinese to compare them to the Russians at this point. Russians had their chances, they blew it every time. And I read that Putin said something about Russia needing stronger military to combat (political)pressures from the U.S.? Chinese are flexing their political muscle successfully, Russia again is not taking notes. :rolleyes:
But the Chinese are really on the offensive, industrially

in this world you have to be agressive...

they're efficient enough, despite a corrupt system, to make a lot of what they have.

despite? you'll find most, if not all, western economies are fundamentally corrupt. War profiteering, 'old boy' networks and general lying. China will do well.

That's highly debatable.
I'll bet it is...from your comfy sofa.

You disagree with lots of things you dont like regardless of the reality of the situation.

manufacturing at the moment is driving the Chinese ecomony up and western ecomonies down. My own job is under threat from China. I dont like it but at least i am not in denial. I will fight it. China also has a long established financial and banking sector that is set to boom. Add oil, minerals and technology and this is one force to be reckoned with. Then there is India too following suit.

You can stick your head in the sand and say it isnt happening and the US dollar will live forever...its your choice. Or you can get a grip on reality, invest in your souvineir stall by the Staute of Liberty and wait for the Chinese tourists to arrive. The US economy wont have had it so good.
manufacturing at the moment is driving the Chinese ecomony up and western ecomonies down.

Manufacturing might be a downward driver, but it isn't potent enough to drive the US economy down overall.

China also has a long established financial and banking sector that is set to boom. Add oil, minerals and technology and this is one force to be reckoned with. Then there is India too following suit.

They aren't currently a force to be reckoned with, and they have a lot of work to do before they become a force to be reckoned with. And they need to be a force to be reckoned before they can be considered "set to become the world's dominant economy".

You can stick your head in the sand and say it isnt happening and the US dollar will live forever...its your choice.

I'm not going to get worked up about something until it's serious. Right now China is headed in the right direction, but they're still far away. Besides, there's nothing fundamentally wrong with a strong Chinese economy.
China is set to become the worlds dominant ecomony...
That's highly debatable.
I'll bet it is...from your comfy sofa.

I remember the same being said of Japan, right before some dude cried on (inter)national TV. "Tiger economies" and all that jazz...

Fun fact - two-thirds of all of the world's socks are produced in China. In a town called "Datang", to be specific. My underpants have yet to feel threatened by the presence of Chinese socks in the same drawer.
I remember the same being said of Japan, right before some dude cried on (inter)national TV. "Tiger economies" and all that jazz...

Fun fact - two-thirds of all of the world's socks are produced in China. In a town called "Datang", to be specific. My underpants have yet to feel threatened by the presence of Chinese socks in the same drawer.

this is the most absurd post you have ever made Famine old boy...

besides, M&S pants are made in Cambodian sweat shops by 5-11 year olds. Thats why they dont feel threatened.
Yep - though not quite the most absurd post in this thread...