Iron Sky - We come in Peace!

It's a very, err...interesting look on the subject of "what if Nazis came back to war". But, at the same time, it looks like it will be one of those films that doesn't take itself seriously to begin with.

So, it may be worth it just for the "Space Nazis" story.
Yeah, it's a comedy from same guys who were responsible for Star Wreck: In the Pirkinning and it's Imperial Edition. Fact is, this movie is done almost entirely on donations and sales of the Imperial Edition.. Grand total was 7.5 million euros if I recall right. Difference to their earlier movies is, that this time they have true trained actors.
"All presidents who start a war in their first term get re-elected..."

For that alone, I'd watch it. :lol:

Is this coming out in theaters? It should. Given we've had such horrible high budget stinkers, a low-budget comedy in the same vein would be a refreshing change.
So, in less than a day the trailer got more than 1.1 million views, and the ticked were sold out in Berlin's premier opening in less than 2 hours.. Looks promising. Still no word if this will be shown in US.
Been excited for a little while about this movie. Can't wait to see it!
And news regarding this movie.. It will be shown in US as well. I bet Palin will be happy.