Is b spec remote race is the quickest way to increase your b spec level?????

or what is the fastest way to increase b spec level with excitment . or just the quickest way you have had????

For about the first 25 levels, yes. I was able to get from 0 to 25 in about 4 days of using remote race. After that, the XP gaps between levels becomes so great that I found the only realistic way to go from there was to grind the endurance races (the most XP with the least amount of monitoring on my part).

Took me 100 hours of continuous endurance races to go from 25 to 35.

Hope that helps. :)
Put a level 0 bob into the endurance indy500 (200 laps) and he finishes at level 23+. In a guaranteed to win car of course like the x2010.
Honestly... it's both m8.

I've just gotten lvl 40 myself by doing a combination of, remote racing, grinding the dream car championship (mainly to cycle the UCD and for some credits), and doing the 4hr and 9hr events. 4hrs during the day, 9hrs over night.

But the issue is, if YOU don't remote race your friends guys, then THEY aren't going to remote race YOUR guys.

So you need to balance it between all of them I'd say. Take a day of running remotes like crazy so your friends know that you're putting in your time, and then do a bunch of B-spec races. That way, the bobs you're racing are earning you xp, and the bobs ur friends are racing are earning you xp. It's like you're double dipping!