This is where I get fuzzzy on things. I have trouble accepting the idea of punishing an atheist that lives a life almost identical to a devout Christian, minus the belief and worship of God and Jesus, being punished the same a Hitler. You are right, it doesn't sound rational. The atheist is still a good man who led a good life and served the greater good.
That said I don't know that hell is an eternal burning, spiritual torture, or just being snuffed out of existence. If Hell is just the abscence of God then that does make sense. Your punishment is what you desired, to have no relationship with God.
Now things get difficult...hmm...especially the last sentence. There's one part of me that prevents me from being religious. It's that part that tells me science could as well be right, and it all happened with a big bang and evolution and stuff.
It's an
if situation:
if God exists, and punishes me for not being religious, then that's because I had an open mind towards science as well, and never could've known previously who/what was right, science or religion.
If God does
not exist, then I should just wait and see what happens to me after death. It could be possible that there is a scientific way of afterlife for example. I don't know.
This is a risk I take, to live a honest life with myself and just believe in what I think is true. If I would go "believe in God", then I would just do that to eliminate the risk of going to hell, instead of
really believing in God.
First, you just lumped all Christians into one big hateful group with that statement. I don't think you intended it that way, but it is how it sounds.
No it's not what I intend to do, but I
would intend it if someone would go compare me as evil as Hitler. But I'm sure you don't intend to do that either
Secondly, you've been listening to too many evangelcals. I have never given an atheist the "you're going to hell," speech. I have never given anyone that speech. That is not my place to decide. You will also note that Swift and Delirious have yet to give that speech.
Well you almost gave me the feel that I shouldn't take the bible spiritual. I have no quote to base that on though, it was just a feel that could be false.
Please quote where I said you said anything.
Those who aspouse this theory bother me in that it says it is really okay to be a sinner and you can never be so bad as to be punished for eternity because God loves you. By this rational I can just rape and murder and whatever I want and I will just be bored for eternity?
Cause honestly, I care more about how I would get punished compared to how murderers and rapists would be punished, as I have no interest nor compassion on what could happen to them after they die.
My entire post was referring to the statement "You would go to a different place from heaven, but you wouldn't be punished." According to you this is what someone else said.
Yeah but remember it's only another way of viewing at religion. I meant to show another way of looking at hell, just to add some perspective.
My whole point is that I think this is an odd way to look at an afterlife because it seems very relaxed and as if to say sinning is okay and not following God's wishes is fine. You won't be punished, you just don't get invited to the party. As I have said twice now, one theory is that Hell is not being invited to the party. And yes, not being in Heaven, but not being punished does sound like being bored for eternity. What are those turned away going to do, have a paper, rock, scissors tournament? The comment is a quick way for the guy you asked to avoid trying to explain Hell, probably because it is too complex to truly be understood.
You have a point that is odd, though it's just as odd as punishing me with Hell just like God would punish Hitler. This forces me to think that the bible is wrong, or not complete about Heaven and Hell(if it even exists), cause you can't just say "Religious people go to heaven and the rest may burn in hell".
To God all sin is the same. According to scripture God is perfect, therefore anything that is not perfect he cannot abide. People tend to put degrees to things so they can categorize them and deal with accordingly. To God all things have already been dealt with. If the way to heaven is not by deeds, then the way to hell is not by deeds, either. If you believe, then you are saved. If you do not believe, then you are not saved.
Speedy_Samurai, that is where you are completely wrong. Maybe to the
bible all sin is the same. But you don't know if sin is all the same, to God
himself. To me that's just guessing the personality of God, and guessing how he might respond and think about Sin and sinners.
The question is, do you believe a God exists, whatever God that might be? Cause you need to realise, there are several descriptions of God, and what kind of person he is. That seperates the Islam from Catholic for example.
This is to describe how I look at god at the moment (by the way it could be slightly different tomorow again, because everyone's comment here in the opinions forum makes me wiser and makes me adjust this following opinion).
I'm going to quote my own thoughts:
Do I believe in God? I don't know, you tell me.
I believe God can exist, does that count? I am still open minded enough for both science and religion, I believe in both you could say. So what? Is that sin? Would God blame me for simply not being able to know what to believe?
I have not chosen sides yet. With some religions it seems like God is just a very unfair person who doesn't seem to love the people at all, or just a very restricted group of people. Sure, that doesn't mean I don't believe that God couldn't exist, it means that if that is how God thinks and judges, I don't like him.
And, because I'm still at a very early stage in my life, I think I will have enough oportunities to find out what kind of religion does fit with me completely. And, if no religion doesn't seem to fit perfectly, I will come to the conclusion that I should follow my own religion, my church would be my own home, it's as simple as that.