Is it possible to use your android device for gauges in GT5?

  • Thread starter djslofstra
Hello. I was wondering if it is possible to use an Android tablet for information about the race like revs and speed in GT5.
No! You can use them only for pc-sims! I have Dash meter Pro and Idash, one for my tablet and the other for my iphone and now I can't race without them! they are very useful when you race online, because they five you a lot of informations like, brake temp' oil temp'.......
Ohh. It's a shame. I seriously hope it will be possible in GT6. Quite good chance I think since there will be a mobile app.
Word, as cool as it might be, I don't see it happening on the app either. Maybe, just maybe for gt7, but gt has always been a main stream race game, and things like dash meter are niche market products that would require support from PD, so that the proper signals could be created for something like dash meter to work.

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