Is My Avatar Offensive to YOU?

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Ok everybody take a good look at my avatar.
Is this avatar offensive to you. I do not mean any mean or cruel things by having this avatar. I found this picture on a website and I like it it. Actually I have had a couple of people say that they like it. The days of the Nazi's are numbered and they are extinct. Please do not make me change my avatar people I really like it. (It took me a long time to do)
Please if you have any comments on it please post a reply. Thank You. BTW..... have a happy day. :D
Originally posted by Rice Rocketeer
i got an idea....cut out the swastica frame and we'll let it slide...
i agree with rice on this. But it is a cool avatar. :D
I think that people that don't come to the forum that often (and know that It's a character in the video game Wolfenstien) might be put off by the swastika. I'd lose that one frame of animation and replace it with something else. If I think of something good I'll let you know.:thumbsup:
Do what you think is right ViperConcept. Your the one that has to live with it.

Maybe if you could have a frame where it show the nazi monster getting blown up, things might be a little more accepted. :D
Originally posted by ZeroCool85
I didnt see a swastica in your avatar...

BTW i am German and i take no offense to it.

Germans probably wouldn't, it's anyone that's Jewish that might see the problem.