Is my idea correct??

  • Thread starter lego_boy
I drive in real wrold and play racing game with a old froce feedback model wheel. I understand the wheel using a motor rotates the wheel left and right to simulate the feedfback force for car turning. But there is no feedback force for acceleration and braking. Is it corrct/possible to have a device to pull and push the wheel shaft forward and backward to simulate force for car acceleration and brake. I means the wheel will be pushed toward driver when he apply brake. Will it give the feeling like we brake the car in real world driving?
Nice idea. If you could pull that off, it would be good to have about 1 or 2 inches movement both ways. It's a great idea for people that have no Force Feedback Cockpits, or simulation chairs which are really expensive.
I think it could work and give you more real world feeling.
Its actually been implemented in the arcade racing games. Played Daytona and Battle Gear and it does actually give you an idea on how the cars weight shifts during acceleration/braking. I don't think it would be easy to apply this to the racing wheel that we use in our house (even FREX didn't apply this) cause the device to pull the wheel back and fourth must be pretty heavy (I'm just taking a guess) and pretty much takes up a lot of space. Its a nice idea to apply to the wheel that we use now, but its not something that is really important if you know what I mean...... ;)
i think it might work, but it would probably give the wheel a weird feeling. i can't really imagine a wheel moving forward and backward while i am stationary. i think it would make the wheel pretty hard to steer with the same precise control that wheels offer now. good idea though i always like to here ways of improving my gaming experience.