I believe it's more like Hot Pursuit, with some of Most Wanted's features (EasyDrive, technically Burnout's niche). I don't think you'd be disappointed with it, depending on what system you buy it onis need for speed rivals similar to need for speed most wanted? i thought id ask because need for speed most wanted was the worst racing game i have ever played.
is need for speed rivals similar to need for speed most wanted? i thought id ask because need for speed most wanted was the worst racing game i have ever played.
HP: Classic mission select style in the menus. Free roam isn't a big a part of the game. Similar to the older Need For Speeds from the PS1 era. (Except the weapons and all the drifting of course.)I had a similar question but with HP and Rivals, I wanted to know what's similar / different about them and how it is on PS3 because I'm looking to get Rivals on PS3.
How so? I don't see much of a similarity.HP: Classic mission select style in the menus. Free roam isn't a big a part of the game. Similar to the older Need For Speeds from the PS1 era. (Except the weapons and all the drifting of course.)
Rivals: Free roam based. Single player and multiplayer are seamless. (There is no way to pause the game even when playing offline.) Very similar to Most Wanted 2010 in terms of gameplay. (Heck, half of Rivals' map layout is from Most Wanted's too.) Has some kind of story but isn't in depth or anything. Some weapons are exclusive to each side (racer vs cops). It has taken some elements from HP such as weapons, modes, etc.
How so? I don't see much of a similarity.
I knew that Redview County was similar to Seacrest in the sense that there's desert, forest, seaside and snow. But I can't really see the similarities between Fairhavena and Redview.
All hail the Need For Speed lighthouses!Ahh, I see what you mean.
There's also a lighthouse in Hot Pursuit, too.