km-- STOP IT, just STOP it! I have been a member here at GTP since February, and in that time, I have noticed that the great majority of your posts have been directed at people who you think are spamming or making this some kind of "bad place", and then the other part of your posts are spam in themselves. I cannot understand why you don't just keep out of threads that you don't like, or think are unacceptable. Bumping this thread up does no good either. If you don't realize it, wake up right now: Your actions are only hurting yourself, and to an extent, the community. Please STOP trying to create flame wars, please STOP accusing every single thread of not following the AUP, please STOP it all. Quite honestly, I don't know if you're intentionally trying to create these flame wars, but either way, it's getting ridiculous, and my nerves are on end from it all. So please, do youself and all others a favor, and just STOP it. Real problems on the boards will be delt with accordingly, and with better conduct.
Sorry for venting, but I just needed to get all of that off of my chest...