Is the buttkicker "accurate"?

  • Thread starter howard29
I realize the buttkicker gamer does a good job of shaking a cockpit seat, but does it do so at the right times? The road bumps and revving of the engine should be accurate because they produce stronger bass levels which should translate accurately, but are there times where it will shake the seat at during racing games when it's obvious it should not be shaking given what's occurring in the game? I guess what I'm really getting at is is it good enough to fool you into thinking it shakes as and when an actual car seat would given the same conditions?
its a low frequency transducer, so it runs on the Low Frequency Effects channel. you feel everything in the game but theres the odd occasion you wont feel a crash or bump, all in all its worth the money and will take your gaming experience to the next level. I dont regret buying my buttkicker gamer one little bit.
To Increase the full effect of the BK turn the engine and sound effect levels up and the music to off. By turning the the music off you won't get the Bass notes while playing. Since I have the BKA300 and not the gamer I am not sure what the frequency cutoff is for the gamer is since it runs off of composite cables (unless you have it connected to your subwoofer output on your receiver). I use an Onkyo 805 receiver and since I split the subwoofer channel I have to adjust the gain (Neg or Down) to my BK for some games. Honestly it is a great "feeling" when playing Battlefield 1943, Dirt2, and Shift.
the Gamer or LFE with their gamer and power amps are not very tricky to set up at all. If you don´t have acess to those it´s more finicky to find the right volume and such of course. It´s a good investment surely. Though I have some reservations about the gamer amp. It´s very noisy and the build quality is not all that great. It´s really cheap so considering what you pay it´s quite good value. The power amp is quite an investment but it´s way more powerful with superb build quality and totally silent. I lost the word here it´s not induction cooled what is the term?

Now buttkickers or any transducer require a very solid cockpit or you will get delays or mushy feedback. They are extremely dependant on your mount. Of course nothing can be loose to rattle in your cockpit. As you could expect the gamer is faster then the LFE with it´s lower mass but that wouldn´t be enough for my 90 kg cockpit. I had to push it 100 % on my old Evo but curbs effect was more defined on that one surely even though it can´t get the V8 rumble quite the way the LFE can ;)

If you want to see how accurate it´s listen to high quality music with it. As for games we all know audio is seldom audiophile quality so it depends a lot on what games you run how well it works.

Some it´s kind of pointless to use it while in others like GTR 2 or Evo it´s a bliss. But yes it´s quite accurate. I can hear the pace notes in RBR through my buttkicker. I mean it´s a speaker after all it´s just what it´s hitting at is the speaker membrane.