Is the Fanatec CSL Seat any good?

  • Thread starter Charlie A

Fanatec CSL or PlaySeat?

  • Total voters
I saw a G27 on eBay for $88.00. Band new, FREE shipping. I was BLOWN AWAY! But I have the DFGT, with some problems... so Im looking to upgrade. I also have WSP (DFGT) There is a $50.00 adapter, but Id like a seat instead. So, the $300 Fanatec seat looks very nice đź‘Ť I also want to use the DFGT for second player racing. It still works (DFGT), and I was looking to buy the CSL seat first, then buy the wheel later on. (To save money...)
Any advise?

Charlie A
Looks pretty solid for a lightweight rig, reviews tend to be good, the seat has a few mods you can do to make it more comfortable. For my money tho, the obutto oZone is worth the extra $65 it goes for. You get the frame w/wheel and pedal mount, shifter mount, keyboard tray, monitor stand, and a more adjustable seat with sliders and recline. Check it out if you don't know about it already... and don't need something light. It's a brute.
The CSL is pretty sturdy. I added an adjustable backrest to it along with a lumbar insert. I wanted to stay all-Fanatec too. It is easy to raise the pedal end up by adding something like blocks of wood or books for an F1 inspired seating position. This works well as there is no ground contact in the middle regions, just the ends. If you like that position, you can make something more permanent to swap back and forth.

This seat is best for a setup dedicated to one sim-racer. Since the bits mostly bolt into place it can take some time to adjust to another racer of different size or preferences.
The CSL seat isn't adjustable and made me feel like my knees were at my chest and my lower back couldn't take the punishment for more than an hour, tops. Playseat is great.

The CSL seat isn't adjustable and made me feel like my knees were at my chest and my lower back couldn't take the punishment for more than an hour, tops. Playseat is great.


I'd have to disagree as I've made numerous adjustments to my CSL over the last year. Some are interrelated so you change one distance or angle and it affects two other parameters. So you might make a few other changes following the first. I'm very technical and geeky so this is fun for me but this may not be the case for other racers. Lots of real racecars are like this of course.

What the CSL is not very good at is making rapid changes to accomodate racers of greatly different size or of similar size but with different preferences. Since you have to pull out the tools and have at it. So for instance it would not be a great choice for some sort of public arcade scenario where pretty much anyone who walks up of any skill level would need to be optimally accommodated instantly.

Once you get it dialed into your situation I think it's just fine though or I would not be using it.

I did some testing lately regarding steering corrections and found that the best steering position for a GT wheel is not necessarily best for Formula Wheel use. You can see signs of this in my Countersteer posts elsewhere. The overshoots upon returning to the original heading steering direction are correlated to how many body joints and parts were involved in making an input. Fascinating topic that I am looking into lately.

One thing I have done to my CSL setup is change the wheel base mount. I do this much more simply than stock so that fewer parts are needed, and yet adjustments are a bit easier. To accomplish that I used some bits from a Fanatec CSL wheel stand and incorporated them into the CSL seat.
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I've made numerous adjustments to my CSL over the last year.

Like what exactly?

One thing I have done to my CSL setup is change the wheel base mount. I do this much more simply than stock so that fewer parts are needed, and yet adjustments are a bit easier. To accomplish that I used some bits from a Fanatec CSL wheel stand and incorporated them into the CSL seat.

Have any photos you can share of what you did? Or will we not be able to comprehend what you've done?
The CSL seat isn't adjustable and made me feel like my knees were at my chest and my lower back couldn't take the punishment for more than an hour, tops. Playseat is great.


Same issues I experienced when I sat in a one that was for sale here last year.
If you are fairly limber, and not overly tall, then its probably doable.

I felt like I was stuffed into an accordion @ a slim 6.2/185cm.
Can't beat the small footprint, but that comes at a price.

Likewise, curious about the modifications mentioned in this thread.
I had some backhache even with inverted S9 and S9 screws from building that gives you more F1 race seat position
The other issues i have found, its its assembly, Fanatec doesnt help much even with its tutorial video.
I did not come to maintain enough stability with stock pedal position, it will rotate if you dont fix it correctly.
Had some ingenuity to insert frame underneath pedal support for better stability but it will look crap (its a wood frame)
However, for its price and size (lighest and smallest full cockpit) it could worth it
Im 5.7 ft tall... I saw a Sim racing Reviews, and he said it was harder to adjust. Is the seat comfortable? Looks kinda hard... The Play Seat is foldable, which seems uncomfortable
CSL adjustments that I have done:

A) The stock ones, shown here in Fanatec's images from their site:


These are doable for all CSL seats, however as I noted above they do not lend themselves to frequent back and forth driver swaps very well since some adjustments affect others such that tools and an iteration or two are needed to optimize matters.

B) Base mount from CSL stand to CSL seat wheel base hoop. Most of the time my much modded CSR-E wheel base is mounted to the CSL seat without using the steel sheet metal angle that comes with CSR-E / CSW bases. And I also dispensed with the CSL seat's aluminum alloy rectangular base mounting tube, the one with many holes that then picks up the steel pin that extend through the base mounting hoop that goes over your legs. The sheet metal plate from the CSL stand is rectangular, I cut this down to a triangular form corresponding to the three mounting holes on the bottom of CSR-E / CSW bases. So this small trianglular plate then gets bolts to the bottom of my wheel base. Under that plate is the stock CSL stand angle pivot and cut-off receiver from the stand tube. The other end of that pivot tube has steel tubes clamped / welded to it which extend out from it sideways to perpendicularly mounted split tubes which in turn slide over the CSL seat's stock bent steel pins that in turn mount through the CSL seat's wheel base hoop. Mostly this adds a cleaner appearance, but it also adds some more adjustment. For instance angle is directly and continually adjustable via the CSL stand's pivot. And the base can be adjusted closer/further from the driver's chest via the welded on tubes that pick up the CSL seat's base hoop pins a few inches. Some height adjustment too. The stock bits do work for base mounting but this approach pretty much involves stacking adapters on top of adapters. By doing what I have done, the base can be removed from the CSL seat via ONE bolt (the CSL stand's angle pivot bolt) and then remounted to a CSL stand via ONE bolt for stand use or for an easy mod stand for servicing / tuning / etc. I have a few other variations to this basic concept.

C) Lumbar. Old photo:


D) I have lots of switches and remote adjusters added here and there...this is an out of date example from when I did shifting differently along with a subsequent e-brake mod. I have switches and pots in place for pedal stuff, motors, cooling,


E) Isolation for pedal vibes. I use a way stronger than stock ABS vibe motor setup on the brake pedal. I found it beneficial to do this since the stock brake pedal motors are just repurposed hand controller units and so are very weak compare to real car ABS pedal pulses. Using way stronger vibrators, I noticed that IMO too much vibe came into the CSL seat frame and so was too apparent at the wheel base / shifter / e-brake / seat. This involved rubber decoupling bushings so that the pedal vibes stay in that region like IRL. The ABS motor strength and frequency are both independently adjustable. The motor is driven by a separate power supply from the base. The stock signal from the base is used to trigger a simple relay. Frequency is changed via counterweight / motor RPM, I use way lower than stock combined with some stock signal via two stock motors also in use. Strength via my remote adjuster up by the driver.

F) Seatback angles. I added threaded rod adjusters to the L and R tubes that form the lateral support on each side of the seat. These turn hence change in length thus providing additional back angle adjustment independent from seat base angle adjustment via the stock method.

G) Lots of other stuff, I try things out all the time.
I've used Playseat Evolution for couple of years and CSL seat for over a year now and to me, CSL seat feels a lot more comfortable. After hours of playing, it is not as tiring to my back. Of course everybody is different, so it depends whatever suits you. There will always be different opinions.
Some don't like seat position, but looking at different race cars, they're seat angle looks to be similar or even more upright. It is a racing cockpit afterall not your sunday city cruising where some persons are almost laying behind the wheel. Only adjustment you can do easily is sliding a seat forwards/backwards, every other setting takes a bit time, but that is usually the only thing you usually do.
I've used Playseat Evolution for couple of years and CSL seat for over a year now and to me, CSL seat feels a lot more comfortable. After hours of playing, it is not as tiring to my back. Of course everybody is different, so it depends whatever suits you. There will always be different opinions.
Some don't like seat position, but looking at different race cars, they're seat angle looks to be similar or even more upright. It is a racing cockpit afterall not your sunday city cruising where some persons are almost laying behind the wheel. Only adjustment you can do easily is sliding a seat forwards/backwards, every other setting takes a bit time, but that is usually the only thing you usually do.
thanks! I had an... eh back. I use an office chair right now with a WSP. uncomfortable to me (office chair) I thought of building a seat stand out of wood, and getting a used car seat. but id rather just have a cockpit
I used a wheel stand with a real car seat mounted to a base for years before I built my rig.
It had a working slider, so dealing with wheel stand's center post was no big deal.
You can get a good reclinable car seat with sliders from j-yard for pretty cheap.

If you're 5.7 then, the CSL will probably not be as constraining as for taller folk.
That being said, you'll still have deal with climbing in and out of it every time.

Regarding foldable seats bundled with some retail rigs...
...they may look like a car seat, but they are not a car seat...
I do not believe they are reclinable either.
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I used a wheel stand with a real car seat mounted to a base for years before I built my rig.
It had a working slider, so dealing with wheel stand's center post was no big deal.
You can get a good reclinable car seat with sliders from j-yard for pretty cheap.

If you're 5.7 then, the CSL will probably not be as uncomfortable as for taller folk.
That being said, you'll still have deal with climbing in and out of it every time.

Regarding foldable seats bundled with some retail rigs...
...they may look like a car seat, but they are not a car seat...
I do not believe they are reclinable either.
thanks đź‘Ť
149 usd (but from Europe, you can pre-order for less than 120 euro including shipping)
Rear frame seat can be added for 50 bucks (save your money and find good racing seat separately)
I'm now interested in this setup, Fanatec says I can use my T500 RS on it, but it doesn't look like there is a good way to mount my TH8 RS on it.
So I guess that would be a no?

Like I care, I just bought a GranStand cockpit.
I did see a ISR review of the CSL, and saw they had a T500 RS + TH8 RS on theirs and thought "well 🤬". But I have had my eye on the GranStand for some time now, and I am committed to it.
How do you mount TH8RS to it? I don't see mount for it on their homepage. There seems to be only regular fanatec shifter and g25/27 shifter mount unless it is custom made for your order or it is just not on their homepage yet. Anyway you must know better what and why you choose something.
I have a heavily modified CSL (I bought it when it was still called Rhinoseat) .. anyway, it has a GS-4 with custom made mounting frame, and ECCI 7000, button box holder, and a BK2