Is the Mugen S2000 '00 good?

  • Thread starter Thomasss95
The Netherlands
Just bought one, but is it good for 450pp or not?
Is it the best S2000 for 450pp?
If not, what S2000 is the fastest in this pp-range?

If anyone has a tune for it, post it here please! :)
I would Imagine tuned it wouldn't be to different than the regular S2000, But I have heard it's a decent car for drifting and just a blast to drive. I never did get around to messing with it.
I would Imagine tuned it wouldn't be to different than the regular S2000, But I have heard it's a decent car for drifting and just a blast to drive. I never did get around to messing with it.
Alright, I will make it a drift car of it! ;)
Thanks for the help.
I don't know about the spoon S2K but the amuse S2K R1 is also awesome, got one at 495 pp and with a touge tune and it's just so balanced. Love that thing on the touge.
The S2000 Platform as a whole is a very stable and fast platform to build off of. Personally, I'd buy a Factory one and build to your needs.
This is the Spoon S2000 2.2L. I tuned my Spoon S2000 '00 like this. The weight cant get any lower but, it handles sweet on any set of tyres. 275ps=271hp and I tune my anti-roll and all my dampers to 1. Enjoy!
I used the mugan for the 500 B-spec seasonals, that is until I got an Amuse R1 '04.
The Amuse versions aren't all better then the mugan and regular s2000's imho, but the R1'04 IS the best as far as drive/handling/speed/weight blend.
My Mugan served its duty, but my main R1'04 has 61 wins under her belt, and my second has now 21 wins. I use them for driver training and money making while I'm doing housework or dinner, ect.

The first b-spec seasonal, 500pp, Autumn Ring. Around 850,000 a race, which is just the bonus, as like I said, I burn new drivers from 20 to about 35 on that. Also a great car to use personally. Forgot where I picked up the tune from, but here it is;
Ecu-sports intake-s exhaust-t racing exhaust-engine +1
No ballast, 100% engine, no turbo.
LSD 10/15/7
-13 / -13
S= 11.0/9.0
D1= 7/6
D2= 5/4
ARB= 4/3
CAM= 4.0/4.5
TOE= -.15/+.05
Transmission top speed 175mph
Power=327 weight=1127 pp=500