I used the mugan for the 500 B-spec seasonals, that is until I got an Amuse R1 '04.
The Amuse versions aren't all better then the mugan and regular s2000's imho, but the R1'04 IS the best as far as drive/handling/speed/weight blend.
My Mugan served its duty, but my main R1'04 has 61 wins under her belt, and my second has now 21 wins. I use them for driver training and money making while I'm doing housework or dinner, ect.
The first b-spec seasonal, 500pp, Autumn Ring. Around 850,000 a race, which is just the bonus, as like I said, I burn new drivers from 20 to about 35 on that. Also a great car to use personally. Forgot where I picked up the tune from, but here it is;
Ecu-sports intake-s exhaust-t racing exhaust-engine +1
No ballast, 100% engine, no turbo.
LSD 10/15/7
-13 / -13
S= 11.0/9.0
D1= 7/6
D2= 5/4
ARB= 4/3
CAM= 4.0/4.5
TOE= -.15/+.05
Transmission top speed 175mph
Power=327 weight=1127 pp=500